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Although almost every resident understands that the tide turns about every six hours, no one considers the slight changes from day to day to be significant, they are lost in the details of life. To most, the tide schedule is just part of the daily overload of information.
Unless of course they are fishermen, or seafaring men who need to know how to navigate the rivers and inlets that connect, the ports of call, to the ocean.
The bible refers to nations and peoples as oceans, seas, and waters. It refers to those who seek the lost as 'fishers' of men.
Tides are the result of the gravitational influence of the moon, they are not significantly affected by the sun. This is due to the closer proximity of the moon even though it is a "lesser light".
Like the moon, the Church circles the earth, and it is in close proximity to the world.
We are the lesser light who were given to "rule the night",- Genesis
We are the ones who were given dominion over the earth - Genesis
We are the One to reflect the Son, the bright and morning star.
It is He that rules over the day (the Church, His bride).
We (the Church in Mankato) are the ones, whose influence through prayer and intercession will begin to be felt, tugging at the peoples of Mankato, to return to the Lord. We are the ones to effectively turn the tide of peoples to return to the Lord.
Under the constant rolling surface of our daily lives, that makes us believe that every day is the same as the day before. Hidden beneath all the ups and downs of daily waves of activity that can put us to sleep like the gentle rocking of a cradle or of a ship simply riding the waves at sea. Deep beneath us, perhaps unseen and undetected, the tide is turning.
Even Jesus was asleep in the bottom of the boat once, Meanwhile the disciples were fighting a storm of fearful proportions and they couldn't make any headway against it, even though they were trained seafaring men themselves. In fact they thought they were going to perish in this storm, little did they know what was just about to happen.
Stood up and rebuked the storm and straight way they arrived at their destination.. we are in such a storm in Mankato, but the tide is turning...and when Jesus stands up (in us, in His Body) and rebukes the storm, we too will arrive at our Destination..because the tide is already turning in our favor.
We find ourselves in a season of the Lord's favor that is more perhaps than we had believed for.
Stood up and rebuked the storm and straight way they arrived at their destination.. we are in such a storm in Mankato, but the tide is turning...and when Jesus stands up (in us, in His Body) and rebukes the storm, we too will arrive at our Destination..because the tide is already turning in our favor.
We find ourselves in a season of the Lord's favor that is more perhaps than we had believed for.
The Lord has recently given my wife insight into some areas. We are seeing some small signs of turning in some of our kid's actions...I cannot share details here but the small changes in action, are indicative of much larger, more significant spiritual changes, happening under the water line.
When the tide first begins to turn, it is almost imperceptive, after a short period of time it is noticeable to those who know what to look for, then it becomes undeniable to anybody with their eyes open when we see the water level starting to rise dramatically.
When these 40 days of intercession come to a close and we return to 'normal' life, that's when we will begin to see the impact of God on this region increasing over the next several months and perhaps years.
I didn't know when I wrote this post on Aug 22, that Bethel music was releasing a new CD on September 3, 2013, and the title of this new CD you ask?
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