This post is about my reoccurring connection to the Minnesota Miracle and how God has kept the dream alive for a revival in Minnesota that He wants to bring to birth. 

October 1971 - Minnesota Miracle
Seventeen years old and on my way to a weekend retreat at Camp Courage. There I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on Friday night with many other young people. The rest of that weekend was supernatural, none of us (over 100 high school and college students) showed up at the dining hall to eat, many of us did not sleep, we sought the Lord continuously for three days from Friday evening until Sunday at Noon. God was present in a tangible way as the Spirit hovered over our camp. We all left there changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

The speaker that weekend was Dick Eastman he went onto North Central Bible college in downtown Mpls. Monday to lead their morning chapel service, that chapel service lasted for three days! Monday 8 AM - Wednesday 7 PM. The Bible school was shaken to its core, scores of students were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Dick left Minneapolis on Thursday and he later wrote the details in a book called the Purple Pig and other Miracles. That very night a Canadian evangelist Brian Ruud came to Minneapolis and began meetings at Souls Harbour housed in the historic Lyceum Theater on 11th street in Minneapolis.

They continued for 7 days a week for several weeks. They finally ended when the Holidays came around. But not before shaking the Bible Schools and impacting the Church throughout the city. Then the revival meetings ended almost as suddenly as they started.  But the move of God was still at work underground, churches that are still with us today were planted coming out of that 1-2 move of God in 1971.  

Built in 1905 just before the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles The Lyceum Theatre had 1,800 seats and housed the church 'Souls Harbor' for many years from the 50s into the 70s. In 1976, it was razed to make way for the new Orchestra Hall complex.

Live service from Souls Harbor in the early 70s  (but not from the revival meetings) 
Southern Gospel from Soul's Harbor Minneapolis

August 1992 (21 yrs. later) (3x7)
I came to the Mankato region at the Lord's direction, I visited a home church in Good Thunder at that service I saw a vision but could not interpret it immediately, once I did gain understanding I was asked back on August 16 to share with the church what the Lord had revealed.
While I was sharing that vision God told me, "Tell them I am bringing revival to this region" so I told them what He said.  Then God said, "They don't understand the scope of what you are saying". Tell them they do not understand the scope of what you are saying." I told them and as I did the Lord whispered to me, "And neither do you." at that instant I saw a bright flash of light and I cannot articulate what I saw in that flash of light but whatever it was it left me speechless for several seconds perhaps a half of a minute. The result of that message and the impact of what my spirit saw, that my mind could not articulate, grew into an invitation to come and watch Him take this city (Mankato) and turn it into a city of refuge. So I moved here the following year, almost one year to the very day. 

1999 (28 yrs.later) (4x7)
A visiting speaker (Steve) from Kirksville, Missouri asked my pastor if he would invite me to come out with them after the meeting, he wanted to speak with me. The speaker began the conversation by telling me about a revival that had happened in Minneapolis back in the fall of1971. He had no idea that I had been there for all of those meetings.  He went on to say that that revival had been miscarried but that God was going to bring it back and bring it to full term. I thanked him for the encouragement and let him know I was physically there in 1971, and that God had told me he was going to complete what He had started.  

October 2001 (30 years later)
A friend (Pat) let me know that Brain Ruud was coming back to Minnesota in October, he was scheduled to speak only in the Twin Cities, I told my friend, "If God is going to finish the MN Miracle in Mankato, then Brian Ruud will change his itinerary and come to Mankato as well. And I prayed along those lines. A week later my friend told me Brian had changed his itinerary was indeed coming to Mankato, for one night only. I went to the meeting and I afterward I was able to tell Brian how much his meetings impacted me in 1971 at the age of 17.  After some conversation, we determined that He was in Mankato on the 30th anniversary of his first night of ministry back in 1971 in Minneapolis. 

In 2013 (42 yrs.later) (6x7)
Another friend (David) sent me a copy of the book' The Purple Pig and other Miracles' and for the first time, I read the encounter from the speaker, Dick Eastman's vantage point. 

August 2015 (44 yrs.later) 
I met Keegan F. at PHOP who said to me, " do you know what my favorite book is? other than the bible? I said, "no I don't". He said "the Purple Pig." after he raved for a while about the book, I asked him, Did you read about the Minneapolis Miracle? He said, Yes, I told him, " you might want to sit down... then I told him,  "I was there," He said, shut up no way!

August 2016 (45 yrs.later) 
August 12, I got the hoodie at the 2016 PHOP Prayer Summit, with MN Miracle hoodies issued this this year because they had received a word at the prophetic conference in October of 2015 God said, "I am making the MN river valley a valley of Miracles.,," the hoodie recalls that word and the event that happened 45 years ago this October.

I don't know about you, but I am leaning forward in my chair to see what God is going to do next, are you ready? I believe God is about to fulfill every word and vision shared about a move of God in Minnesota that will turn a nation back to their Father. . 


  1. Hi David. It's great to see you "connect the dots" in print. Looking forward to seeing you in two weeks.

  2. I grew up goung to Soul’s Harbor and met Brian Ruud there around 1976, give or take a couple years ( they had moved to the hotel on third and Nicollet by this time) . Is he still around? This was a very fun article to read and brought back do many good memories.

    1. the last time I saw Brian was in 2001 in Mankato he was only here for one evening it happened to be on the 30th anniversary of the night he started meetings at Soul's Harbor in 1971

  3. I only attended one meeting at Soul's Harbor. It was in 1973 when I was 18 years old and had only come to the meeting so that two young friends of mine, who couldn't drive yet, could be there. I had no idea that I would meet Jesus that night as I listened to Brian Ruud preach! God saved this Catholic girl and gave me new life in Jesus. Who could have known that this would be the start of my serving God as a missionary for 39 years in 3 different countries overseas?!! All glory to God! He is faithful!

  4. Did the Jesus people Church were they on 24th and Hennepin the old Scientology building does anyone know?

    1. My wife and I attended JP from 1976 when we were in the Christian Science Building at 24th and Nicollet, through the State theater years on 8th and Hennepin, and into the move to Eagan where the House church now meets on Rahn way.

  5. DOC thegoodocter@comcast.net does anyone remember when Jesus people church is in the Scientology building that was on 24th and Hennepin I believe?

  6. What joy to find your blog. Thanks for filling in the blanks of where I was when I received the gift of tongues. We were in nursing school in ST Paul and jumped the buses to be part of the ministry. We sat up front at the Brian Rudd crusade to take in all the dynamics in his message. We stayed for as much of the meetings we could without missing our nursing clinicals. My roommate and I gave our bus money and every penny in our pockets into the offering plate one evening. Brian stopped the meeting and asked who had given all their money in the offering. We raised our hands and he arranged one of his staff members to take us home to our dorm. He sure was thankful for our gift.


  7. Where is Brian Rudd. I also got saved in one of his meetings in Houston, TX 1973 at Evangelistic Temple. I’m 68 now and still serving the Lord.

  8. Cheryl, thank you for your comment, I was 17 and I came there almost every night as well and I was still in High school some nights I had to walk the 2.5 miles home becuase I had no bus money. The last time I saw Brian was in Mankato in 2001 one evening it happened to fall on the 30th anniversary of when he started those meetings at Soul's Harbor in 1971. I had asked God for a sign that he was not done with the revival that was still incomplete in Minnesota. You may not be aware of it but the weekend before those meetings started Dick Eastman came from California and a revial broke out at North Central college downtown Minneapolis - it is documented in the book The Purple Pig and other miracles in the chapter titled Minneapolis Miracle. I was blessed to be a part of both outbreaks of the Holy Spirit in Minneapolis in 1971.

  9. I went to many Brian Rudd meetings in the early 70s as a single new Christian at age 19. Wondering if he is still alive and what is he doing?


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