Day 30 - The Final 24

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DAY 30 - Sundown on September 3, Perhaps this could be a fast all the way to the finish

I am sending this out early to let you have time to read it and to respond to it.  Please read the entire post and then plan accordingly. 

It is perhaps most appropriate to fast over the final 24 hours leading up to going to the waters and sealing the deal. 

We have put together a loose organization of what we feel needs to be a part of the process at the Blue Earth.  If you have read the First time Visitors Page, you know the story of the mass execution and the spiritual fallout for white settlers and natives of the First Nation. 

We have seen a pattern in Scripture out of the life of King David, (II Samuel 20) whereby David was required of the Lord to take corrective action to undo the curse (a three-year drought/famine) that was on the land through the unwise actions of his predecessor. 

The weight of this correction fell on just seven men, bearing responsibility for the acts of a national leader that broke the treaty.  The seven sons of Saul were descendants of the king who had broken the standing treaty with the tribal nation of Gibeah. 

This passage records that all seven men were hanged simultaneously, Scripture records; "they all fell at the same time" We found this particularly of interest since the Dakota 38 were also all hung simultaneously. 

We also realized that just seven men in our prayer group will be participating in the trip to the Blue Earth.  
And there may be other things we do at this location. But it is very important that the seven of us consider what it means to bear the weight of the correction. I think it is appropriate to fast during this time as we contemplate the weight of the curse we are offering to stand in for.

Ultimately it is the finished work of Christ that will accomplish the healing of these nations. Yet we have been chosen and prepared for such a time as this.

I would like to pull a passage from the book of Esther, her real name was Hadassah. In this passage, her uncle is speaking and letting her know that deliverance comes from God but that we have our part to play in the process. Woe to us if we do not step into the day prepared for us.

You can read the entire chapter five and see that at first, Hadassah was not appreciating the weight of what was going on, not realizing the importance of her part in the process of deliverance through intercession. 

She clearly understood the cost might be her life. Should the king not raise his scepter, she would certainly be dead by the end of the day. Remember our story Between the living and the Dead, here is another passage of intercession, where the one praying puts their life in the line of danger to the benefit of those who are perhaps even ignorant of the sacrifice.

13 And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. 14 For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”15 Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: 16 “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”

If you are from some other geographical place if you have joined us but Mankato is just another name to you, would you be like the Jews of Sushan? Would you be willing to fast and pray for us as over the next 24 hours as we try to walk this out in this locale? 

We will also be fasting and praying here. 

Wednesday night at sundown around 7:48 pm in the Central time zone of the USA, we will go in before the King of Kings and plead our case to remove the curse against this region, reascend the permission given to the enemy, to kill, steal and destroy,  by the acts of our predecessors.

This curse to be broken also impacts our nation because the shed blood and our covenant-breaking history go all the way to Washington D.C. 

Last Thursday night we had a vision of a barley loaf rolling up Capitol Hill and coming to rest, leaning on the capitol building. Followed quickly by a barley loaf rolling into the Oval Office and filling it up. 

As I have come to understand it, just since Friday, Barley in the bible is an idiom for overcoming, it was at the barley harvest that the seven sons of Saul were hung to overcome the curse and stop the plague. 
A barley loaf rolling up the hill overcomes the natural forces of gravity and brings the ability to the lawgivers, to overcome this national blight. The barley loaf rolling into the oval office brings the ability to overcome this curse on our nation to the chief executive of our nation The office of the President of the United States. 

Last Thursday we prayed along the lines that President Obama would see the problem and do something about it. On international television just 2 days later Obama is quoted speaking out the Syrian civil war acts against their own citizens, saying something like this.... 
the world must know that we are nation of our word, that we mean what we say, that we stand behind what we say.  something must be done to correct this massacre of civilians.  President Obama

We hope to see in the near future that this President would recognize the parallel between Syrian actions and the actions that the government of these United States took against its own citizens during our civil war in the mid-eighteen hundreds. 

And as being a Nation that keeps its word and for meaning what we say, well we have broken 400 treaties, that we made with our citizens. culminating in 1862 when we drove the members of the first nation from their lands and the fatalities were similar to Syrian casualties. 

Thank you for standing with us ...

The seven of us will throw barley in the water simultaneously, to mirror they all seven fell down together. We will sing songs written in Mankato over the last 20-30 yrs. 

Remember we will be continuing our daily prayer campaign for 10 more days after this event, through September 14.  

The Road Not Taken


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