In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty-first day of the month at evening. For seven days no leaven shall be found in your houses, since whoever eats what is leavened, that same person shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a stranger or a native of the land. You shall eat nothing leavened; in all your dwellings you shall eat unleavened bread.’” Exodus 12:18-20 (NKJV)
To commemorate the unleavened bread that the Israelites ate when they left Egypt, we don’t eat—or even retain possession of any leaven in any form. grain, alcoholic beverages even any food that contains trace amounts of leavening agents. All processed foods, that are not guarded against fermentation or leavening are also included, if it is not certified to be kosher than it is suspect. This ban on leaven begins at midday on the day before PASSOVER until sundown on the last day of the festival. This could include breads, baked goods, cookies, pasta, cereal, and items made with cereal, granola bars for instance.
Getting rid of leaven in every area of one's household, is an intense process. It is a search-and-destroy mission during the first fourteen days of the first month, that fall before Passover, and culminates with a ceremonial cleansing on the night before Passover, Followed by a burning of the leaven ceremony on the morning before the holiday. It involves diligence and stamina to check carefully to ensure that no crumb is left behind: checking and cleaning desks, drawers, closets, clothing, pockets, pocketbooks, briefcases, beds, linens, dining and living room furniture, bookcases, etc. This includes the home, workplace, cars, garage, and out buildings etc.
Such diligence is pursued by natural Israel to remove natural leaven and yet in the Christian Church, How many of us would take fourteen days each spring to ferret out the things that do not belong in our possession. Things that do distract us from God and Godliness, and our great salvation. THOSE OF US WHO CAME OUT OF SPIRITUAL EGYPT, what can we do, to rid our lives of spiritual leaven, which Jesus says is Hypocrisy some people today might call it dualism?
Don't we retain things that would definitely be called spiritual leaven during these days as well as the rest of the year? Remember unless it is certified Kosher...it is suspect, that processed food we call television and now days the internet has loads of leaven.
Even sites such as Facebook, Pandora, Spotify and several other places we go, could be in the leaven camp.
Wouldn't it be good to dedicate 14 days to search over our homes, our offices, our pockets, computers, our e-mail inboxes, our DVD drawers, and our bookcases,on a search and destroy mission, looking for any trace of leaven things that cause spiritual fermentation (or idolatry). We end up worshiping the creation rather than the creator when our affections are drawn away from our God.
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