As a symbol of regeneration and new life - 
Is the recent dramatic decrease of honey bees across North America - a prophetic sign, to wake up the Church in North America, to our lack of Evangelism? To our lack of preaching the word with power? The our lack of giving the hearer something that produces ongoing life?  

Losses had remained stable since the 1990s at 17%–20% per year attributable to a variety of factors, The first report of CCD was in mid-November 2006 by a Pennsylvania beekeeper overwintering in Florida. 
By February 2007, large commercial migratory beekeepers in several states had reported heavy losses associated with CCD. Their reports of losses varied widely, ranging from 30% to 90% of their bee colonies; in some cases, beekeepers reported losses of nearly all of their colonies with surviving colonies so weakened that they might no longer be viable to pollinate or produce honey.[22] 
Herein lies the problem, with the bees, the Gentically Modified 'sterile' seed grows up into a plant side by side with the live seed. The 'sterile' plant looks just like the plant that came from the live seed. Is this sounding familiar? 

When the flower blooms the 'sterile' flower looks just like the flower from the live seed. The pollen has been sterilized (had its life force removed) to keep it from reproducing life. 

The seed that comes from that plant has no capacity to reproduce, it is totally dead, yet from outward appearances it looks identical to the live seed. 

When the pollen the sterile plant produces is collected however and taken back to the hive, to produce honey, it does not nurture the workers or the young and that is why we are seeing a 70-90% reduction in the workers bees which leads inevitably to Colony Collapse Disorder. 

When we look across the landscape of our churches are we sowing living seed?
Or are we sowing Genetically Modified seed of church traditions and doctrines? 

Are we nourishing worker bees with the life giving word of God? Are we releasing "worker bees" sending them out in a lively organic way? Do we raise up, train, feed, facilitate and release them to go out far and wide and broadcast the pollen of the gospel in every highway and byway? Do we encourage them to go out and reproduce life where ever their feet and the Holy Spirit take them?   

Or do we confine or 'workers' in an endless laboratory processes, feeding them with genetically modified food (sterile seeds of church tradition and doctrines) so that they model our company image, becoming our disciples, rather than (feeding them on the word itself and encouraging dialogue) making them disciples of Christ. The kind of Christ followers who will turn the world up-side-down? 

Have we Genetically Modified the Word of God, to remove the supernatural life giving power dimension? Without this supernatural dimension in whatever we do, we render workers unfruitful, powerless, useless. 
We may prefer a nice clean environment so much, that we may conclude that God prefers a sterile environment. Sterile is a good thing (maybe for surgery, yes) but for a womb, not so much, for the rest of our lives, absolutely not. 

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Isaiah 55:1-3

Back to the Church: 
Have you ever seen a church building that used to be alive and functioning, perhaps it is located in the center of its community. Then it dwindles in numbers (only drones left) sitting in the pews, all the workers have died off. The bones sit empty, devoid of any life?   

This describes Colony Collapse Disorder in the Church. 

If we broadcast only sterile pollen limitations, questions, doubts, fears, uncertainties, wait and see attitudes. Then the workers who come to our blossoms to gain nourishment are sucking nectar that has no life. 

Nectar that looks real but lacks the life giving force. 

Any sons and daughters that nurse on that nectar may last for their generation, but they are unable to reproduce life in the next generation. 

The Church is always only one generation away from extinction. 

When the pollen that is broadcast is sterile, then the workers become mal-nourished and are no longer viable to pollinate and therefore produce honey.  We need Holy Spirit, wind driven, pollen to bring life back to the community and for workers to be revitalized to go out and gather in. 
Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Luke 10:2
How do we get ourselves and those in our care back to the unmitigated Word which is alive and sharper than any tow edged swords. 


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