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If there was a theme to last night's prayer group meeting it would have been the Lordship of Jesus the Christ. We pulled out a 20 year old prophetic song from Lyndon Bartel and sang it. Even though it was 20 years old, it was relatively new to everyone there but me.

There is a propensity in all of us, to let the things going on in the world around us, to overwhelm us, to drag us down from time to time. For some, it is a constant battle to fight off feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, or depression. The song we sang last night has these words in the bridge.

He is Lord of the North
He is Lord of the South
He is Lord over East
He is Lord over West

He is Lord over BIG
He is Lord over small
He is Lord over ME
He is Lord over ALL

The Chorus has a string of Hallelus and Hallelujahs

It is kind of a bouncy melody and sometimes seems a little silly, and yet when it is sung, it is very powerful. Often in the Kingdom, the seemingly 'silly' things become the most powerful and the 'dignified' things end up powerless. 

We sang it through a couple of times with the associated verses and then we stood up and sang it again and it changed the atmosphere in our time of prayer Scripture reading and prayer. There was an energy that wasn't there in the same way before that song. 

Well, you sing the words in that bridge once or twice and you have declared HIM to be Lord 16 times! 

Jesus said, "whatever you ask in my name believing you shall receive it." What do you think happens in heaven when we declare Him to be LORD OVER ALL! He gives us what we have asked in HIS NAME, namely HIS LORDSHIP. 

Wherever, God reigns there is joy, peace, love, kindness, gentleness, and self-control. 

When the Holy Spirit hovered over our worship, soon everyone around the circle began to declare His Lordship over the giants they were facing. All of a sudden, we had a powerful mixture of declaration and faith. People start believing again that God can change our thinking and He can set us free. Healing, Deliverance, Restoration, Forgiveness, and the power to walk in these comes out of bold faith talking, and walking. 
Now it is your turn...Sing to the LORD a NEW song... 
I have no way of knowing who is going to read this post today, but my wish for you is that if you have a giant you are facing, cancer, a health issue, financial troubles, relationships that are broken or hanging by a thread, children that are out living like the world. 

I hope you will get a hold of a praise song like this one that declares Him to be your LORD.  Lord over everything that comes against you and your relationship with God. 

And then sing along with it until you experience freedom from the weight of the situations you are facing. 
Sing it until you feel a lifting, comforting sense of God's care and His presence to walk through your trials with you and the power to bring you out the other side without the smell of smoke.
Sing until you can't remember why you were worried in the first place. 
Sing it until you experience Joy, peace, love, kindness self-control. 


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