MY PLAN TO OPEN AMERICA - or at least open Minnesota

MY PLAN TO OPEN AMERICA - or at least open Minnesota



Consider this...
Where do the Power Brokers live and work?

They live in really BIG Cities like NYC, D.C.,
- Manhattan has 66,940 people/sq. mi. or about 641 sq. ft. per person*
- Corona, Queens, NYC is the densest neighborhood, at 216,000 residents/sq.mi. or only 129 sq. ft./person. Including all the outside spaces. 

Living there would be like living totally within my small bedroom which is 10' 9" x 12' = 129 sq. ft. or only 1/4 of the apartment shown below. 
New York City neighborhood population map.

600 square feet of space 
  • Senator Schumer
  • Mayor Belosio,
  • ABC, 
  • MSNBC, 
  • CNN,  
  • FOX News 
  • WSJ, 
  •  etc. etc. etc. 
Power Brokers also live In BIG cities like Washington D.C. with 10,298 people per sq. mi. or only 2,700 sq. feet of personal space per person including outdoor areas, monuments, the parks, the reflecting pool, etc.
2700 square feet space
  • Dr. Fauci - from DC
  • Both Houses of Congress
  • White House Staff
  • Government Bureaucrats
Other BIG City Locations
  • House Speaker Pelosi, - San Francisco 6,266/sq. mi. 
  • House of Representatives. Adam Schiff - Los Angeles 7,544/sq. Mi.
  • Governor. Tim Waltz, - St. Paul, MN - 5,818/sq. mi. 
  • Governor. Como - Albany, NY, 4,491/sq. mi.     
Where do the rest of us live and work?

Big Cities/BC Suburbs - 39%

Big City 20% (may have to wait longer and practice more stringent social distancing)

BC Suburbs 18% (may have to act like the big city)

Small Cities/Suburbs - 27%

Small City 20% - move ahead but with some safety measures.
Small City Suburbs 7%

Towns 17%
Town 17% - move ahead reopen with common sense now!

Rural 15%
Rural 15% - Move ahead reopen with common sense now!

The top ten states who could go back to work tomorrow - excluding of course their 'BIG' cities.
  1. Alaska Population density:              1 people.sq. mi. 339 cases - 9 deaths
  2. Wyoming Population density:          6 people.sq. mi. 473 cases - 7 deaths
  3. Montana Population density:           7 people.sq. mi. 444 cases - 14 deaths
  4. North Dakota Population density:  11 people.sq. mi. 748 cases - 15 deaths
  5. South Dakota Population density:  12 people.sq. mi. 2,040 cases - 10 deaths
  6. New Mexico Population density:   17 people.sq. mi. 2,521 cases - 84 - deaths
  7. Idaho Population density:               22 people.sq. mi. 1,870 cases - 54 deaths
  8. Nebraska Population density:         25 people.sq. mi. 2,421 cases - 50 Daeaths
  9. Nevada Population density:             28 people.sq. mi. 4,398 cases - 203 deaths
  10. Kansas Population density:              36 people.sq. mi.  3,056 cases - 117 deaths
Are any of the ten states above Hotspots? Nope. 

New York State  - 421/sq. mi. (without NYC)  127,000 cases - 4,782 deaths
NYC - 26,940/sq. mi. - stats ( with NYC)  155,000 cases, 11,817 deaths 
*One square mile is equal to: 27,878,400 square feet.

So... in Corona, Queens, NYC each person has only about 129 sq. ft. of personal space across the entire city! Whereas in Alsaka each person has almost 28 million sq. ft. of personal space.
That's 217,000 times as much personal space!  
When the media says "less populated" areas they never give the facts... 1:1000 or 1:217,000. These are not just a 'little less' populated areas. 

Alaska is an extreme example, as NYC is extreme, let's pick a state in the middle of the heartland. 

Minnesota has an average population density of 72/sq. mi. 72 times the density of the state of Alaska and 1/5 the density of the State of NY so each person in Minnesota has about 387,200 sq. ft. of personal space. 

Just for clarification, that is only 3,001 times the personal space of a typical Corona, Queens, NYC resident. For a visual comparison and an understanding of these numbers... 
  • Fenway Park, Boston, is 99,000 sq. ft. 
  • the Astrodome, in Houston, is 150,000 sq. ft. 

So in perspective: every Minnesotan has:
Personal space equal to 4 times the entire area of the Green Monster - Fenway Park in Boston  

Back to NYC -
the number of persons living in just one sq. mi. of Manhatten  
would fill every seat
in the entire Astrodome!  

Whereas, every Minnesotan would have 2.58 times the area of the entire Astrodome to themselves as their personal space where they could work and play

By 'Big' city population densities... We already practice social distancing, as our lifestyle.

Governor - Tim Waltz closed down all of Minnesota a state with a population of 5.4 million people because of a projection of around 65,000 deaths... in MN. 
However,  the threat so far has been extremely overstated. 
To date: 
Minnesota has less than 3,000 confirmed cases among 5.4 million residents which is .054% of the population.  (5.4% but 100 times less than that.) 
only 200 deaths, those primarily the elderly in Nursing homes. That is a rate of less than 4 per 1000. That reality is only 3-tenths of one percent of the projected number. Or less than 4 deaths per 100,000 residents. 

So, Why can't we move to open up Greater Minnesota?  
I understand the BIG cities opening later.  

Please send a link to your representatives in MN and in Washington D.C. 

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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken

At Home In MN   


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