- A young woman, Haddasah, because of her beauty was forcibly abducted from her home, to become one of the concubines of the king. Years later she overthrew an evil plot to commit the genocide of her people and plunder all of their belongings, this plot was organized by a powerful bureaucrat around 480 B.C.
So the COVID-19 attack was declared a worldwide pandemic by the W.H.O. on Purim (Shushan), March 11, 2020, on the Gregorian calendar. (Adar 14, or 12-14-5780 on the biblical calendar)
Back to the story of Esther -
Haman's law was proclaimed across the empire on the 13th day of the first month* but it would not take effect until eleven months later on the 13th of the twelfth month just 28 days before Passover.
God intervened and saved the Jews, not only could they defend themselves but the had permission to seek out and kill their enemies not just on the one day the 13th but a second day as well the victory of the 14th day. Haman's 10 sons were impaled on the 14th day. Just as Jesus fulfilled all the 'letter' of the 10 commandments 'nailing' all their accusations against us on His cross on the 14th day.
This dramatic story was documented in the Old Testament book of Esther. Haman, a very high-ranking bureaucrat in the Persian Empire, hated the Jewish people but particularly one Jewish man, (Mordecai) because he would not bow down and 'worship' Haman when he passed through the king's gate. His hatred festered and grew until Haman was not satisfied with destroying only Mordecai. He wanted to destroy all of the Jews across the Persian empire and plunder their belongings.
In the first month, Nisan (Babylonian) or Abib (Hebrew) correlates to around our March 27th, Haman the Agagite cast the Pur to determine by occult arts which date would be best to attack the Jews. It was determined that the thirteenth day of the twelfth month was the best possible day to attack the Jews, kill them, and take all their possessions... that was then this is now.
Interestingly, this day (12th month -13th day) correlates to Dec 13 on our Gregorian calendar. The same date that the 2 Articles of Impeachment were approved by the House Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives in an attempt to attack U.S. President Donald Trump, remove him from office, and keep him from ever running again for any public office.
It was during all this craziness that I received an impression in late December to 'pay attention' to Purim (it falls on March 10-11, 2020). I was beginning to wonder if Nancy Pelosi was going to hold the articles until March 9. And then release them on March 10th or 11th. Because this impression to 'pay attention' to Purim, seemed to be connected somehow to the impeachment process. I shared this impression at that time, with a couple of close friends with whom I take weekly coffee and kept it on the 'back burner' of my thoughts.
In the first month, Nisan (Babylonian) or Abib (Hebrew) correlates to around our March 27th, Haman the Agagite cast the Pur to determine by occult arts which date would be best to attack the Jews. It was determined that the thirteenth day of the twelfth month was the best possible day to attack the Jews, kill them, and take all their possessions... that was then this is now.

It was during all this craziness that I received an impression in late December to 'pay attention' to Purim (it falls on March 10-11, 2020). I was beginning to wonder if Nancy Pelosi was going to hold the articles until March 9. And then release them on March 10th or 11th. Because this impression to 'pay attention' to Purim, seemed to be connected somehow to the impeachment process. I shared this impression at that time, with a couple of close friends with whom I take weekly coffee and kept it on the 'back burner' of my thoughts.
- March 11 seemed significant it is called Purim (Shushan)
- Shushan was the 'capital' of the Persian Empire it could be related to Washington D.C. in the US as the capital of a 'world' power. (Empire)
- Purim Shushan (March 11, 2020) was the day that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic.
I explained to my friends that Purim (fell just one month before Passover) and therefore as a precursor to Passover, or a sign of things to come in the Spring Season starting with Abib 1, (March 27, 2020) and through Abib 21 (April 15, 2020).
So the COVID-19 attack was declared a worldwide pandemic by the W.H.O. on Purim (Shushan), March 11, 2020, on the Gregorian calendar. (Adar 14, or 12-14-5780 on the biblical calendar)
Back to the story of Esther -
Haman's law was proclaimed across the empire on the 13th day of the first month* but it would not take effect until eleven months later on the 13th of the twelfth month just 28 days before Passover.
* Abib 13th (1-13) biblical calendar - 500 years later on this date Jesus would take the third cup of Passover, the cup 'of redemption' after supper and declare the NEW covenant in His blood, that breaks the curse of death and frees all those held captive by the fear of death. Also on Abib 14 - He endured a series of trials that validated him as the spotless lamb and led to his death that same day - Abib 14.Mordecai heard of the proclamation and sent a message to Esther, he exhorted her to appeal to the king to protect God's people. Esther (Hadassah) and her maids fasted for three days and prayed to the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Then she entered the throne room without an invitation, risking her life but the King lifted his scepter and allowed her to approach and make her request. She set up a banquet with the king and invited Haman to the banquet. She did it again the next day.
God intervened and saved the Jews, not only could they defend themselves but the had permission to seek out and kill their enemies not just on the one day the 13th but a second day as well the victory of the 14th day. Haman's 10 sons were impaled on the 14th day. Just as Jesus fulfilled all the 'letter' of the 10 commandments 'nailing' all their accusations against us on His cross on the 14th day.
You might remember there was a lot going on in December 2019.
Impeachment Articles completed December 13th and passed by partisan vote on Wednesday, Dec 18 but then they were held up for 28 days (one biblical month) before walking them across the building to the Senate for a trial. They were delivered on January 15th to the Senate for trial.
Impeachment Articles completed December 13th and passed by partisan vote on Wednesday, Dec 18 but then they were held up for 28 days (one biblical month) before walking them across the building to the Senate for a trial. They were delivered on January 15th to the Senate for trial.
In other words: if Dec 13th 'Gregorian' relates to Adar 13th 'biblical' or (12-13) then January 13th 'Gregorian' would relate to Abib 13 'biblical' or (1-13)Somehow the attempted Impeachment of President Donald J.Trump and COVID-19 Outbreak are tied together through the ancient story of Purim followed by Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits
Let's look at all the things that have been going on over the last season or two.
Fall Season 2019 - Impeachment, false accusations
October - start taking depositions House Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs Committee
October - start taking depositions House Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs Committee
Oct. 28, House Approves Resolution
Nov. 13, House Intelligence Committee begins impeachment hearings
Dec. 4, House Judiciary Committee hearings (one day)
Dec. 5, the House Judiciary Committee would draw up articles of impeachment.
Dec. 12 - 12 hours of debate Articles of Impeachment
Dec. 13, Articles of Impeachment are approved by the Judiciary Committee
Dec 18, Articles voted through by a partisan majority vote.
Dec. 13, Articles of Impeachment are approved by the Judiciary Committee
Dec 18, Articles voted through by a partisan majority vote.
Dec. 19-31 - House breaks for holidays
Winter Season 2019-20 - COVID-19 Year of the 'Rat' Fear,
Dec. 31, Wuhan reports 'Pneumonia' case without a cause to the WHO in China
Winter Season 2019-20 - COVID-19 Year of the 'Rat' Fear,
Dec. 31, Wuhan reports 'Pneumonia' case without a cause to the WHO in China
Jan. 6 - King Day Starts the Mardi -Gras Season 1.4 M attend
Jan. 13 - Thailand reports the first case of COVID-19. The individual had traveled from Wuhan
Jan. 15 - Japan reported its first case, also in a person who had visited Wuhan
Jan. 15 - House finally delivered the articles to the Senate (28 days of testing)
Jan. 16 - February 5 Senate Impeachment Trial - 21 days (total duration 49 days) Jubilee!
Jan. 13 - Thailand reports the first case of COVID-19. The individual had traveled from Wuhan
Jan. 15 - Japan reported its first case, also in a person who had visited Wuhan
Jan. 15 - House finally delivered the articles to the Senate (28 days of testing)
Jan. 16 - February 5 Senate Impeachment Trial - 21 days (total duration 49 days) Jubilee!
Jan. 21, Washington State reports the first case in U.S. a man who returned from Wuhan,
Jan 25 - Chinese New year - Year of the Pig ends - the Year of the Rat begins.
Jan. 30 - The first person-to-person transmission reported in the U.S. in Chicago.
A woman in her 60s contracted the virus while caring for her father in China, and passed it to her husband when she returned home.
Jan. 31, there were 213 deaths and 9,720 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China.
Jan. 31, Trump bans all travel from China during the impeachment trial
Feb 5. - President Donald Trump is acquitted of both articles of impeachment.
Feb. 9 - 500,00 people attend Chinese New years parade in NYC - now a COVID-19 hot spot
Feb. 11, - the WHO gives this NEW coronavirus a name - COVID-19
Feb. 15, - 1 M people at Chinese New Year in SF Bay area - now a COVID-19 hotspot
Feb. 25 - Fat Tuesday - 1.4 M attend Mardi Graw in New Orleans - now COVID-19 hot spot
Feb. 29 - First death in the U.S.
Mar. 11 - The WHO declares COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic on Purim (Shushan)
I will cover the Spring Season in the next post
Jan 25 - Chinese New year - Year of the Pig ends - the Year of the Rat begins.
Jan. 30 - The first person-to-person transmission reported in the U.S. in Chicago.
Jan. 31, there were 213 deaths and 9,720 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China.
Jan. 31, Trump bans all travel from China during the impeachment trial
Feb 5. - President Donald Trump is acquitted of both articles of impeachment.
Feb. 9 - 500,00 people attend Chinese New years parade in NYC - now a COVID-19 hot spot
Feb. 11, - the WHO gives this NEW coronavirus a name - COVID-19
Feb. 15, - 1 M people at Chinese New Year in SF Bay area - now a COVID-19 hotspot
Feb. 25 - Fat Tuesday - 1.4 M attend Mardi Graw in New Orleans - now COVID-19 hot spot
Feb. 29 - First death in the U.S.
Mar. 11 - The WHO declares COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic on Purim (Shushan)
I will cover the Spring Season in the next post
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The Road Not Taken
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