Teshuvah and Matthew 22
Ed said that traditionally it was the 40 days that Moses was up on the mountain with God. And God was revealing atonement to Moses and he came down off the mountain on the Day of Atonement! At first, my discernment went on 'high alert' and the Broca area of my brain was screaming internally wait a minute, wait just one minute!
Or maybe there is a new movement growing underground to recognize this season and respond to the Spirit. either way, I found this 'chat " to bring up some interesting questions.
So click on the link and watch this video once you have seen it...
Then come back and we will discuss it.
"There are way more than 40 days between Pentecost and Day of Atonement." Since it is over three months between these two dates how could Ed be right?
It has been said that Moses received the Torah (instructions) or Ten commandments on Feast of Weeks (Hebrew) or Pentecost (Greek), how then could it be that he came down from the mountain with the tablets on the Day of Atonement?
Let's look closer and see if this is possible...it is good to go back to familiar Scriptures and see if we have assumed something that was not said. Could Moses have been on the mountain on Pentecost and come down off the mountain on the actual Day of Atonement three months later?
Let's roll up our sleeves and do the work. Pull out your Bible and read again the account. Then look at the calendar of the feasts and count some days.
From Passover 1-15 to:
- Tabernacles 7 -15 is six months or 177 days
- The Day of Atonement 7-10 is 172 days
- The Feast of Weeks is 50 days
172 - 50 - 5 = 117 days
If we have Moses on the mountain for 40 days/nights with God
And we have Moses on the mountain a second time for the second version.
So all in all we take 80 more days from 117-80 =37 days remain to account for.
Passover is on the 15th day of the first month (Abib) 1-15 they left Egypt that night
From Elim, they arrived at the Wilderness of Sin on the 15th day of the second month (Iyar) 2-15
From the Wilderness of Sin traveled to Rephidim (Rock in Horeb)
From Rephidim traveled to the Mountain of God (Horeb)
The Lord came down on the mountain (Sivan 3)
Pentecost is the fiftieth day after Passover (Sivan 6)
In the book of Exodus we see at least two 40 days/nights where Moses is on the mountain with God and a period documented in between that the number of days not be spelled out anywhere in Scripture)
I found this while I was working on checking out the claims of Ed Watts and it appears He is right. Remember there were two law-giving sessions of 40 days with a period in between when God met Moses at the tabernacle of meeting.
The Midrash tells us that at the beginning of the Month of Elul, exactly forty days before Yom Kippur, Moses went back up onto Mount Sinai to receive the second set of Tablets "Moses returned" (the first having been broken after the people sinned with the Golden Calf). When he went up, (the second time) a shofar was blown throughout the camp to let the people know that Moses was going up the mountain and that they should not make the same mistake that led to the sin of the Golden Calf. - Chabad.org
The second thing I struggled with was the 40-year return theory Ed laid out. I just don't think we have that number of years left.
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN
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