Wondering if all the kids would make it home this year?
Wondering, if there were enough places at the table for an additional guest or two?
As you celebrate the first advent of Jesus the Christ today with your family and friends.
As you feast
As you give and receive gifts.
As you connect with those you have not seen for a long time.
As you recount the joys and sorrows of the last year.
As you laugh at other's jokes and tell stories.
As you play games, wash dishes, or just watch the excitement of the children during this day of expectation.
Remember, there is also a second advent of Jesus Christ promised. And one day soon we will wake up to a trumpet blast that shakes the earth and find that He has come in middle of the night, (not Santa) but Jesus Christ our bridegroom.
We may find ourselves, acting like little children amazed and wondering at all the goodness that awaits us. Discovering our new heavenly bodies and seeing the intense preparations going on for the wedding feast. We will pinch ourselves to make sure we are not dreaming.
We may find ourselves, acting like little children amazed and wondering at all the goodness that awaits us. Discovering our new heavenly bodies and seeing the intense preparations going on for the wedding feast. We will pinch ourselves to make sure we are not dreaming.
Take some time during this busy season to buy oil from the storehouses of the Lord and fill the lamp of your soul with it.
Make sure you have enough left over to keep you burning brightly even until Midnight
when the bridegroom comes for His Beloved like a thief in the night.
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