Even though we know Jesus was likely born at another time of the year, and did not come into the world on Dec 25th, we play out the popular cultural traditions and sort of pretend it is His Birthday.
This week as we celebrate what the Old Testament prophets predicted namely that God would come and be with us (Emmanuel God with us) Jesus fulfilled that word and was the exact likeness of the Father in all He did and said while he was with us.
In fact in Scripture Jesus as God with us only lasted for 33 years, then 40 days after his death and resurrection. Jesus said it is expedient that I go away.
It is profitable that God with us would come to an end? What?
Read on, for if I do not go away then the comforter will not come. "If I go My father will send another comforter"
The Feast of Tabernacles celebrated in the fall each year reminds us that we are not just citizens of this world anymore, In the end instead of God with us it will be us with God.
Instead of Jesus coming to visit our home, we will be going to visit His Father's home.
We were all born of water, another term for being born of the earth Adam's race (earth's race - Adam means earth) We are also born of the Spirit which means we are no longer simply of this earth, of the family of the first Adam (earthy) now we like Jesus, are of heaven and of the earth we are spiritual sons and daughters of God. And it does not yet appear what we shall be...

This week as we celebrate what the Old Testament prophets predicted namely that God would come and be with us (Emmanuel God with us) Jesus fulfilled that word and was the exact likeness of the Father in all He did and said while he was with us.
- But Jesus is not in the manager tonight.
- He is not in another house in Bethlehem.
- He is not standing in front of the council
- He is not on trial, on the cross or in the grave.
In fact in Scripture Jesus as God with us only lasted for 33 years, then 40 days after his death and resurrection. Jesus said it is expedient that I go away.
It is profitable that God with us would come to an end? What?
Read on, for if I do not go away then the comforter will not come. "If I go My father will send another comforter"
The Feast of Tabernacles celebrated in the fall each year reminds us that we are not just citizens of this world anymore, In the end instead of God with us it will be us with God.
Instead of Jesus coming to visit our home, we will be going to visit His Father's home.
We were all born of water, another term for being born of the earth Adam's race (earth's race - Adam means earth) We are also born of the Spirit which means we are no longer simply of this earth, of the family of the first Adam (earthy) now we like Jesus, are of heaven and of the earth we are spiritual sons and daughters of God. And it does not yet appear what we shall be...
Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
I wonder if we ever think about that second coming which is after all the end result of His first coming.
During this season where we focus on the first coming of the second Adam, maybe we should remember that He is no longer in any of those earthly places where we like to remember Him, but rather He is sitting on His throne and waiting for the day where Father says, Son go and get your bride for she has made herself ready.
During this season where we focus on the first coming of the second Adam, maybe we should remember that He is no longer in any of those earthly places where we like to remember Him, but rather He is sitting on His throne and waiting for the day where Father says, Son go and get your bride for she has made herself ready.
The star may again been seen in the evening sky this time it doesn't come slowly with months to track it from the East to the West.
Rather His coming will happen in the twinkling of an eye, in the time it takes you to blink. Like lightning flashing from the East to the West and every eye shall see Him.
Rather His coming will happen in the twinkling of an eye, in the time it takes you to blink. Like lightning flashing from the East to the West and every eye shall see Him.
Even so Come Quickly Lord Jesus!
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