Every once in a while I come across an excellent article about the Spring Feast Days or God's Holy days. A few posts back I tied the tenth of Abib the day of selecting the lamb to the crossing of the Jordan by Joshua.
In my reading along in the book of Joshua, it appears that Jericho was taken down on the last day of Unleavened Bread. after seven days of marching around it during the seven days of Unleavened bread signifying Christ's finished work in us, comes about by daily eating of the incorruptible bread of His word. this battle was immediately preceded by their circumcision at Gilgal. "I have rolled away
your reproach"

It appears that on this same day, 40 years earlier, the seventh day of unleavened bread, the crossing of the Red Sea ended with the complete annihilation of Egypt's army. This was immediately preceded by the pillar of cloud moving from in front of Israel and coming around (circumcision) to a position behind them cutting off Egypt's attempts for Israel's past catch up to them and re-enslave them.
Until today I have never heard of anyone who has discovered this, of course, I used google to see if anyone had the same conclusion I had just come to and I found this post I now share with you
As this article communicates, the battle of Jericho also correlates to the seven trumpets in the book of Revelation according to this author. Very interesting prophetic parallels.
your reproach"

It appears that on this same day, 40 years earlier, the seventh day of unleavened bread, the crossing of the Red Sea ended with the complete annihilation of Egypt's army. This was immediately preceded by the pillar of cloud moving from in front of Israel and coming around (circumcision) to a position behind them cutting off Egypt's attempts for Israel's past catch up to them and re-enslave them.
As this article communicates, the battle of Jericho also correlates to the seven trumpets in the book of Revelation according to this author. Very interesting prophetic parallels.
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The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN
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