Appointed Times for 2019 (part six) FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD
April 18th- as the sun dropped into the western sky. Most of Israel would celebrate their traditional Passover meal (Jesus had already celebrated His with his disciples the evening before according to the pattern of the Essenes, it is believed that they celebrated a 'lamb-less' Passover on the eve of the day of Preparation) one night before the traditional Passover. Celebrating the Passover 24 hours after the Last Supper would be the first chance for the disciples to obey Jesus' instructions and take communion according to the New Covenant pattern laid out the night before.
What a powerful thing to do, to commemorate his death while his body was still lying in a stone sepulcher unprocessed. Jesus' body would rest during the weekly Sabbath Honoring His 'day of rest' (as a son of Adam) before bursting from the grave after the Sabbath had ended at sundown Saturday evening.
"As often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me." - Jesusi.e. "as often as you do this (the Passover meal) "do it in remembrance of me."
What a powerful thing to do, to commemorate his death while his body was still lying in a stone sepulcher unprocessed. Jesus' body would rest during the weekly Sabbath Honoring His 'day of rest' (as a son of Adam) before bursting from the grave after the Sabbath had ended at sundown Saturday evening.

"The wages of sin is death. but the gift of God is eternal life." Romans 6:23Death clings to sin, but it cannot cling to anything but sin, therefore when Jesus died as the sinless (unleavened) bread, He could not be held captive by death, hell, and the grave. Since there was no sin to cling to, there was no legal right to hold him captive in the grave. He had no 'wages of death' due. Therefore He was released into newness of life.
Abib 16, 33 A.D. (April 20, 2019) The Feast of the Firstfruits - His Resurrection
He arose from the grave a 'long time' before dawn. So once the Sabbath ended at evening the night before he was released and He rose from the dead during the night. Death could not hold him, we are not told when he was released it could have been midnight, 3 am, but we know it was before dawn (before 6 am)
He arose from the grave a 'long time' before dawn. So once the Sabbath ended at evening the night before he was released and He rose from the dead during the night. Death could not hold him, we are not told when he was released it could have been midnight, 3 am, but we know it was before dawn (before 6 am)
Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark,* and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. John 20:1*it was the first day of the week but it was still dark -so it was before the sunrise and the stone had already been taken away.
On the last day of God's seven-day Spring festival of (Unleavened Bread), the 21st of the month of Nisan, the Eternal carried out his last judgment against the Egyptians. He drowned Pharaoh and his entire army in the Red Sea as they were pursuing the Israelites in order to make them slaves again.
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