Dear HAPN, Below is a key prophetic word that Dr. Chuck Pierce released on December 10, 2014 for the Body in this nation and the nations. --- Watch it on YouTube . Transcript of the prophetic word: And I say to you a sound membrane is now beginning to bulge in the heavens and this is a time that that which has been held back and those that have been held back in hearing will begin to hear. I say to you this membrane is now beginning to leak and what the enemy has closed up and what the enemy has kept from pouring down, I say now My sound will penetrate the membrane and there will be an opening and things that have been covered over in the earth will be uncovered, saith the Lord. For I say much wealth has been covered, and much expression of My power has been covered, and even I say relationships that should have been, have been covered and I say vision has been dull. But I say, when this membrane breaks, it will be like an ax that i...