Every year around this time of the Fall feasts, I try to share a little glimpse of my journey into the study of the Seven Feasts of the Lord. I am not the first one or the last one to speak on these things. But as I was listening to a brother share this last week online, I gained a new perspective of looking at the correlation of the Fall Feasts to the Spring Feasts.
The fall feasts are also filled with joy, and thanksgiving, with a multitude of food and drink as a thanksgiving celebration of ALL of the harvests coming into the barns.
Those of you who have heard me speak about the Spring Feasts, know that they were fulfilled naturally in every detail required in the law by Jesus the Christ as he walked on the Earth at his first coming. His fulfillment, however, was also born of the Spirit and therefore transcended the natural law, and fulfilled also all of the prophets who were proclaimed by the Spirit the Spiritual dimension of these Feasts. Some refer to this as the Greater Redemption a Spiritual redemption.
You might also remember that the Fall Feasts will also someday be fulfilled just as precisely by Jesus the Christ at his second coming. Both natural elements and Spiritual elements will be fulfilled in every detail as required by the law (natural) and the prophets (Spiritual)
In the past, we have looked at the SPRING FEASTS, the 'DOG' DAYS OF SUMMER, and the FALL FEASTS.
However, here is my new insight...
The Spring Feasts represent what has been (the Jewish origins as stewards of the Gospel)
The 'dog' days of summer represent what is, the current (Gentile) church age as stewards of the New Covenant.
And of course, the Fall Feasts are what is to come. (when Jew and Gentile become one New man in Christ)
Okay let's add another layer taken directly from the book of Revelation (the revelation of Jesus the Christ)
As easily as we could say what was, what is and what is to come. We could say with John
Who IS, (I AM) Who was, and Who is to come.
The Revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw—that is, (Jesus) the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, 5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.
A good question to ask first is; Who is to come?
a second question; Who is? and Who is also to come?
and finally: Who was? and Who is, and Who is also to come?
The Revelation of Jesus the Christ, who is, who was, and who is to come.So I and others who share on this topic of the Feasts of The Lord get the following question.
"Why should Christians observe the feasts?"
And a new answer for the Fall Feasts, in particular, might be because they are the unfulfilled Prophetic (Spiritual) things to come.
And He who is to come (Jesus the Christ) is going to fulfill all of them some fall, it could perhaps be in our lifetime.
The fall feasts are also filled with joy, and thanksgiving, with a multitude of food and drink as a thanksgiving celebration of ALL of the harvests coming into the barns.
And WHO is to come.
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN
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