There is so much turmoil on the earth right now, the United States of America as well as many other nations around the world are embroiled in a civil war of ideas.
The globalist, fascist, socialist, Marxist, and even communist human slavery ideologies have been thrust upon us through the media, entertainment, universities, and the government school system for many years.
Now it is also being pushed across all sectors of society, in the church and on the most vulnerable, our children, in grade school, and even in preschool.
Violence including assault and homicide has increased significantly in major cities across the United States.
Justice System Failure - Mayors, city councils, and prosecutors who have given oaths to uphold the law are looking the other way, as people are being beaten to death, shot, and their businesses torched to the ground, by doing so these elected officials are endangering their communities and endorsing all these violent crimes occurring on their watch. VP raises money to free criminal rioters so they can go back to violence the same day!
Mass Hysteria - We have been told that a worldwide pandemic is deadly and that it is coming for all of us! After months of mandates. to isolate, to wear masks, mandatory lockdowns, of social gathering spots, mandates forbidding us to gather in places of worship, in restaurants, bars, and gyms.
Feed the Fear! - We have been told that the variants are even more dangerous than the original! We are now being told it is not going away ever!
Take a bullet for the team -
Only one year ago, we were told never to trust any vaccine that Trump created.
Three months later we're being bribed to take it anyway. $100, a lottery ticket, and a gift card.
Three more months and we're being coerced and threatened to put this formerly suspect 'Trump' vaccine into our bodies, to keep our job, to travel, even to go to a concert.
Here we go again! - The only safety net offered is to wear masks, and isolate again, even if you have natural immunities from having had the virus or if you took the shot and were injected with the doctor-prescribed chemical compounds, nanoparticles that alter the RNA in our bodies.
We don't even know who our leaders are!
We had an election that cannot be decided, some say shouldn't even be audited.
We have a person in the White House who seems bent on bringing our nation into submission to the CCP. And control freaks seated as governors of many of our states.
In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
Romans 8:37
Read the rest of Romans Chapter 8 and highlight the sections that bring you encouragement, that tell you, God's got this.
How do I know it will turn out all right?
I know who holds my future. and He is able to keep that which I have committed (into His Hands).
TRUST in the Lord with ALL your heart
LEAN NOT on your own understanding
ACKNOWLEDGE HIM as LORD in ALL things (submitting to Him)
and He will direct your paths. Proverbs, 3:5-6
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN
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