GOD'S SPRING FEASTS - GOD'S PLAN OF REDEMPTION REVEALED! I do NOT have it all figured out, by a long shot. I have had to reverse my position on certain things as I have discovered new information. And I am still learning but I am more convinced than ever about the prophetic significance of the Feasts , especially as they relate to the plan of redemption of mankind. In order to see this, you have to lay the annual feasts over the course of human history, I use the Golden Gate bridge as my template. (See Picture) to more clearly understand the plan of redemption and the times we are living in. Currently, we are living in the Final 'Days of Elijah' just left of the second tower. The 'Days of Elijah' refers to the 'spirit' of Elijah coming before the Messiah in both of His comings. John the Baptist - was 'Elijah" of the first coming, and Joel speaks of the last days and the Spirit being poured out on all flesh. Malachi talks abou...