They missed the two-part fulfillment, required of long-term Biblical prophecies, as we often do today.
Everything Jesus put his hand to during the Passion week was purposeful and timed down to the hour, even to the minute, to align with the 'Instructions'. (the word Torah is sometimes translated as the Law but its literal meaning is instructions) . He was purposefully walking out by obedience to the fulfillment of prophetic words given centuries earlier, stepping into a prophetic dimension, to become a sign and a wonder by his physical obedience to the Father.
Amazingly at the same time, His actions were declaring a more' spiritual' or FULL-filling far into the distant future, some even a few millennia away. Many had an invitation to a front-row seat, to watch these things unfold during the first century, but they simply missed it, because they did not discern the times.
Many of us today are still missing it, we are ignorant of God's plan for redemption, and our chairs remain empty at the appointed feasts.
Most of those who observed His physical actions that week missed the connection with the 'former' signs and therefore they missed the 'latter' signs as well.
They missed the two-part fulfillment required of Biblical prophecies, as we often do today. There is still a raging controversy in church circles, that is very much alive even today.
The two basic views of prophecy can be boiled down to this...
1. All the last days' prophecies have already been fulfilled throughout history?
2. All the last days' prophecies have yet to be fulfilled, Historical events have not satisfied their fulfillment, only served as additional signs pointing the way to the FULL-filling.
They missed the two-part fulfillment required of Biblical prophecies, as we often do today. There is still a raging controversy in church circles, that is very much alive even today.
The two basic views of prophecy can be boiled down to this...
1. All the last days' prophecies have already been fulfilled throughout history?
2. All the last days' prophecies have yet to be fulfilled, Historical events have not satisfied their fulfillment, only served as additional signs pointing the way to the FULL-filling.
There are good arguments for both views, with several 'former' signs occurring in the historical record. Evidence enough to some that all the prophecies have already been fulfilled. But they forgot the two-part rule of Biblical prophecy, that the hearers would be given an 'early' sign which would, in turn, validate the far-reaching full 'fulfillment' at a much later date. In this way, God would encourage His people to hang in there, to watch, and pray patiently waiting for the fulfillment to manifest in the fullness of time.
The Wave Sheaf Sunday instruction was just one of these examples out of the book of Leviticus chapter 23. We see this feast repeated over and over each year to train the Hebrews to 'see' and to discern or 'understand' but their hearts were hardened and 'in seeing' they did not 'see' and in 'hearing' they did not comprehend. Furthermore, because we relegate the Old Testament Scriptures to the Hebrew nation, we too miss the prophetic fulfillment, which is pregnant with promises for the church and likely to deliver those promises in our day.
We see the resurrection of Jesus' (natural body) as a sign of miraculous power, and it was. However, it was only a 'first fruit', a 'former' sign, which points to a greater FULL-filling in the last days, of the resurrection of His 'Body' (spiritual body = the saints), to take place in the last days (during the prophetic fulfillment of the fall festivals). His Body, that's us, we are going to be physically bodily raised from the dead. When is the last time you stopped and thought about that?
"We shall not all sleep, but we will all be changed"
The resurrection of the 'first-fruits' (the overcomers) and the resurrection of the dead in Christ is the fuller fulfillment, as the latter sign but connected directly to the fulfillment of the earlier sign of Jesus' bodily resurrection. Even the others who rose that day from their graves hint at this second FULL-filling in the last days.
Jesus' resurrection was only the 'first fruits, the wave sheaf, an early promise of many more (bodily resurrections to immortality) from the sons of Adam. The former 'sign' of others rising was not to a rising to immortality but to a rising to a temporary season, they died again and were buried.
Hebrews 3:7-8 looks forward to the fall feasts, the first of which is Trumpets when the "second" fruits are seen.
We are raised to immortality, just as He was raised to immortality.
You do not want to miss this first resurrection!
You do not want to miss this first resurrection!
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN
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