Someone that you know, probably drove hundreds of miles to see the sun extinguished for a few moments around noon today. They may have been planning their trip for days, weeks, or even months or years!
I had a friend who drove this weekend to the "Show Me" state in hopes of having the sun, moon, and stars show him something of the grandeur of God's created Cosmos.
Where I live it was only a partial eclipse, but at lunch today with some friends, we stopped for a moment outside the restaurant and put on protective eyewear to catch a glimpse of the "small" beginning of the eclipse.
Using the protective glasses you could see the process without the resulting blindness that would come without the protection. The change in light level was unnoticeable to the naked eye at the beginning.
Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN
Where I live it was only a partial eclipse, but at lunch today with some friends, we stopped for a moment outside the restaurant and put on protective eyewear to catch a glimpse of the "small" beginning of the eclipse.
Using the protective glasses you could see the process without the resulting blindness that would come without the protection. The change in light level was unnoticeable to the naked eye at the beginning.
But, 60 minutes later it was definitely darker, because of the heavy cloud cover where we were it was not apparent if it was the shadow of the moon or the shadow of the clouds that diminished the light. It looked like any other stormy day during a Midwest rainstorm.
I found myself thinking about another day, when it got dark in the middle of the day that was the day that Jesus of Nazareth, laid down His life and purchased redemption for us. For that brief moment in history (just three hours of darkness on Nisan fourteen 30 A.D.) It looked like darkness had obliterated the light. It was described as deep darkness almost like the similar plague described in the Exodus of Israel.
It was as though the SUN was totally eclipsed, as the SON appeared to be totally eclipsed by the religion and the government movements of the day. Those three hours of darkness spoke of the three days of darkness (hopelessness) as the supreme glorious brightness of the Godhead, was tortured, killed, and then buried in a stone hewn cavern.
Not until the early morning hours of the third day when He ascended again from the lower parts of the earth did the lights of Heaven come back into their full display of brilliance. Jesus' death and resurrection have been the brightest testimony of God's everlasting love toward us.
Not until the early morning hours of the third day when He ascended again from the lower parts of the earth did the lights of Heaven come back into their full display of brilliance. Jesus' death and resurrection have been the brightest testimony of God's everlasting love toward us.
Psalm 103 Says, "Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits, who forgives ALL your iniquities and heals ALL your diseases,"
Recently I heard a preacher, Corey Russel sharing a text in which Moses is seeking to see the glory of God.
So the Lord said to Moses, “I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name.”And he said, “Please, show me Your glory.”Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.” And the Lord said, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by. Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen.”
Corey then asked the question, why is His back so important? Instantly, before he went on, I saw a picture of the bruised and torn back of Jesus in my mind's eye. Corey went on to propose that Moses saw the bruised and beaten back of Jesus as the LORD passed by. and Moses could only respond this way:
So Moses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped. Then he said, “If now I have found grace in Your sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray, go among us, even though we are a stiff-necked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your inheritance.”
Jesus said in the book of John 14:3 ...
I will come again! and receive you to Myself that where I am there you may be also.
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN Here is an article that I received from a friend.