We read in Scripture that;
  1. God gave Adam (red-earthy) dominion over the entire earth, and all created things. 
  2. Adam gave away that dominion during the intercourse with the devil the Fall of Man.
  3. Jesus as the second Adam regained that dominion through the Cross, descending into Hell and ascending again with an immortal (glorious) body. 
  4. In order for FULL restoration of Adam's (earthly) dominion to take place, a Son of Adam must again rule over the whole natural earth.
  5. Fortunately, Jesus qualifies as a son of Adam, since He was "born of a woman, born under the Law."  therefore He is the only one who qualifies to rule in Adam's place. The church is his bride and she is the only one qualified to rule in Eve's place. 
Sometimes in Sunday school class or children's church, we simplify our destiny in God by using the phrase when I get to heaven, as though that is the destination and the culmination of our lives. if we compared this to a modern wedding/marriage. We would be counseling the couple to stay faithful until they are whisked away to the reception. We would spend all of our time telling them how to behave and function in the context of the reception rather than instructing them on how to live throughout the marriage. In the same way, if people think they are going to graduate to Heaven and sit down on a cloud with a golden harp and sing and praise for eternity, they have not looked beyond the reception for the bride in the house of the father.

If we were preparing for our marriage to Christ He is going to rule the earth with a rod of iron, and we are going to rule with Him. Oh, that we would see our lack of love, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control and spend our days learning from the man whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light. Learn how to rule with love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, and self-control.

The Scriptures lay out a different plan... yes, there must be a Bridal Supper of the Lamb and it does take place at the groom's father's house (Heaven)  However, Jesus must also rule and reign over the entire natural earth to fulfill all the law and the prophets.

In that day the devil will be bound for 1000 years.

On Nisan/Abib 10 when Jesus rode through Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey, He was looking down through history until the end of times when He would be crowned as  King of the whole earth and therefore He fulfilled the sign given in the book of Isaiah namely, that Israel's Christ/King would come riding on a donkey, on the foal of a donkey.

And the coronation day of the King is just one of seven names for Rosh Hashanah, Feast of Trumpets, Trumpets, Awakening Blast, the wedding day of the King, etc.

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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN 


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