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It is good to remind yourself from time to time of the prophetic things God has spoken to you individually and as a group. Bill Johnson says he keeps prophetic words he has received on 3 x 5 cards and carries them with him when he travels. To remind himself what God has said, especially when the enemy begins to whisper accusations and doubt..."Has God really said?"

This last week I went through the posts on this blog all the way back into 2012 and pulled several of the spiritual songs that have come forth as a part of the GAP meetings.
I re-familiarized myself with many of them and played them on my guitar and sang them out to remind myself of what God has spoken.
And to re-capture the melodies and chord progressions.
When we started praying last Thursday night I started playing some instrumental music and then moved into one of these spiritual songs, and then a little while later, another spiritual song. Amazing how timely the words are when the song is a spiritual song. Even years later the words were timely because they were timeless. We sang a spiritual song written in fifteen minutes back in February of 2000. In some ways, it is more appropriate for today than it was then.
Some of the guys thought the songs were new ones just received at the GAP and I must agree some parts of them were new sung out in response to the moment. But the base structure was spiritual songs that had come earlier. This tells me that as we are faithful to "singing to ourselves in songs, and hymns and spiritual songs" God will build on what he has already said. In short "to him that has, more will be given."
In contrast, if we only sing the spiritual song at the moment, but fail to write it down, if we fail to return to it again and again asking God if He wants to speak through it again. The little we think we had will also be taken from us, not by God, but by forgetfulness and the cares of the world.
So...Write it down, return to it often, and sing it out, with all your heart and spiritual songs will carry you through the dark days, through the battles, through the dark night of the soul.
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