Isaiah the prophet invested at least the first 58 chapters of his 66 chapter book by prophesying about the Day of Atonement. Starting in Isaiah chapter 2 verse 11 and continuing until the end of Chapter 58. The phrase "in that day" is used 44 times in the book of Isaiah. In the Hebrew language, this phrase refers specifically to the Day of Atonement, not simply the annual observation of this Holiest of Holy Days, but it refers to the Prophetic Fulfillment which will come to pass in the last days. The SPRING FEASTS prophetically foretold of Messiah's first coming, and they were all fulfilled by Jesus Christ in His first coming. We can prove this from the Scriptures with the words and actions of Jesus recorded in the gospels. With references that specifically say this was done so that the prophecy would be fulfilled. With that understanding as a backdrop, those of us alive today should be pressing into understanding the FALL FEASTS because... The FALL FE...