A GREATER THAN TRUMP OR BIDEN IS COMING! I had a picture (a vision) this morning during a certain worship song. It was a picture of people lined up and down the streets as if a parade for a coming dignitary. We were all dressed in black head to foot like Hassidic Jews would have been. Jesus came along greeting and hugging each person. Some people had a smiley face sticker on their lapels indicating they did not want anyone within their personal space. They were declaring the desire to socially distance from everyone including Jesus. He just smiled at them and looked into their eyes as he passed by without engaging with them any further. There was no waving of palm branches or fanfare, there were just those waiting for him to come and hoping He would hug them. The sense I got from this picture was that this was akin to the first triumphal entry (on Abib 10 - Selection of the Lamb) when the crowds thought he was coming to upset and overthrow the Roman government... This time H...