What you say, reveals the overflow of your heartfelt emotions.
What is flowing out of your mouth? That's what is in your heart!
What you speak, you bring to life, you grant power to what you say.
What comes out of your mouth is contagious.
Is it FAITH OR is it FEAR?
If your heart is full of FAITH
then you have no need to 'mask' your
heartfelt thoughts.
If your heart is full of FEAR
you need to cover your mouth
Let your voice be like a trumpet!
Read these Scriptures out loud as declarations.
Do it right now! Do it often to 'sanitize ' your heart and cleanse your lips.
What you say, reveals the overflow of your heartfelt emotions.
What is flowing out of your mouth? That's what is in your heart!

What comes out of your mouth is contagious.
Is it FAITH OR is it FEAR?
If your heart is full of FAITH
then you have no need to 'mask' your
heartfelt thoughts.
If your heart is full of FEAR
you need to cover your mouth
Let your voice be like a trumpet!
Read these Scriptures out loud as declarations.
Do it right now! Do it often to 'sanitize ' your heart and cleanse your lips.
I have Love!
I have Joy!
I have Peace!
I have Long-suffering.
I have Goodness.
I have Gentleness.
I have Meekness.
I have Faithfulness.
I have Self-control. Gal 5:22-23
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
I’m strengthened in all power by the might of the Lord. Col1:11
My weapons are mighty in God to tear down strongholds,
casting down imaginations,
casting down every thought that exalts itself against the Word of God.
I bring every thought captive unto the obedience of this Word. 2 Cor 10:4-5
I always triumph in the Name of Jesus. 2 Cor 2:14
Why do we say them out loud?
Because Faith comes by hearing and hearing from the 'now' spoken word of God.
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The Road Not Taken
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