Specifically, a symbol of depending on natural resources, natural understanding, and looking for natural solutions to spiritual problems.
You are trusting in the staff of this broken reed, Egypt, on which if a man leans, it will go into his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust in him. 2 Kings 18:21 King SennacheribBecause the sovereign ruler of Egypt would not release God's people to worship. outside of Egypt. The 10 plagues came to Egypt in the first days of the year leading up to Passover. Each plague the God of Israel sent to uncover the powerlessness of one of the gods of EGYPT. They could not deliver on the expectations of their worshippers.
Egypt's 10 gods - Egypt's 10 plagues
- Hapi -'water bearer' 'giver of life' - Water turned to blood 7 days.
- Geb, (god) of the earth. - Lice from the dust
- Heket (goddess) Fertility (frog). - Frogs
- Khepri (god) of Creativity (fly) - Flies
- Hathor - (goddess) Love & Protection (cow) - Death of cattle/livestock
- Isis - (goddess) Medicine and Peace - Ashes turned to Boils and Sores
- Nut- (goddess) of the Sky - Hail rained down in the form of fire
- Seth- (god) of Storms and Disorder - Locusts sent from the 'sky'
- Ra (sun god) midday strength Enlightenment - 3 days of Darkness
- Pharoah - Ultimate power - the death of the firstborn
There might be some parallels between Ancient Egypt and our modern world today...

This is a list of the seven mountains of culture - the Egyptian gods and goddesses' names are in all caps and the areas they were believed to have covered in ancient Egypt are in bold type. The bullets are things we are seeing during the COVID-19 response.
- Family - HATHOR - HEKET - promises love & protection and fertility but delivers abuse, abortion, sexual molestation, and suicide.
- increase in domestic violence
- increase in child abuse/molestation
- increase in suicide
- Abortion clinics are open as essential services
- U.S. fertility is at an all-time low.
- Funerals - no family allowed at the service
- Weddings - postponed
- Religion and the Church - HAPI - the 'promise' of 'life' but delivers dead religion, dead works. Rev. 3:1 "you have a name of alive but you are dead"
- Sunday worship services - canceled
- Meetings - canceled
- Pastors classified as non-essential workers (in the sense that they are not allowed in nursing homes, or hospitals)
- Funerals - no family or friends allowed
- Weddings - postponed -
- Education - 'RA' enlightenment -'ISIS' promises 'enlightenment' /Wisdom but delivers darkness/foolishness.
- Primary Education private & government schools - closed
- Secondary Education private & government schools - closed
- Technical colleges private & government schools - closed
- Graduation services - canceled
- Sporting events - canceled
- Media - Communication 'NUT' - promises order, but delivers chaos
- power of the air news
- battle of the airwaves
- chaos - mixed messages
- arguing for their version of the 'truth'
- misinformation
- conflicting narratives
- stories that prove false but never corrected
- lost the trust of the people
- Lying lips and Deceitful tongues.
- Arts, Entertainment, Sports - HAPI- Khepri - promises the 'good' life but delivers hopelessness.
- Las Vegas - Gambling Casinos shut down
- Broadway to local live theater shut down
- Major Sports Leagues - to kids sports shut down
- Music concerts - shut down
- X-factor, American Idol, Britain's got talent, etc. shut down
- Business - Science - Innovation, Medicine, economy ISIS/HATHOR - promises wisdom, love, and protection delivers uncertainty, lovelessness, and lack of safety.
- Economy - from the best economy in 50 years to the worst since the 1930s
- 40% of businesses are shuttered
- 40 million unemployed
- Medical workers 1st overwhelmed, then furloughs 'no work' then fired for not taking the jab
- Science models - leave us with no answers, only more questions.
- You are all going to die!
- But Don't be afraid.
- 20X more contagious than flu
- Herd immunity 50% of the population must be infected
- We must stop Infection at all costs
- Masks do not work
- Wear a mask whenever you go out
- Most people are infected at home (66%)
- You must stay at home to be safe from infection
- Government - PHAROAH - 'Overwhelmed' - but in 'recess'
- The local county shut down
- DMV - shut down
- MN House of Representatives in recess
- MN Senate - closed
- US House of Representatives - in recess
- US Senate - Open
- The Executive Branch - Open for Business
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The Road Not Taken
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