began a long long time ago.
In the Puritan age, it was thought that to remain true to God, one must remove themself from all exposure to the world.
By creating this physical distance from the world, it was hoped it would maintain a spiritual purity.
The church has traditionally programmed its members to remove themselves from any engagement in the 'secular' world.
'Come out from among them and be ye separate'
Advised to avoid worldly situations, to remain pure.
In doing so we have abdicated our role in being 'salt' in the world. And in so doing we have let non-believers redefine the institutions of culture, to cast their vision and their agenda for the Seven Mountains of Influence removing God from them.
- Family - We caved in and let our culture redefine marriage and family. And that redefinition has since crept back into our churches. Isolation does not produce purity.
- Family
- Marriage
- Discipline
- Divorce
- Abortion
- Religion - Intellectual arguments and divisions over emphasis and doctrine.
- Bashing brothers
- Accusing others
- Exposing our brothers' sin, inviting the world to come in and judge the saints
- Government - We have left governance up to the ungodly.
- With a religious disdain for the 'dirt' in Politics
- We have discounted 'Secular' Work
- We live under the tyranny of ungodly laws from ungodly lawmakers
- Education - We handed the education of our children over to the ungodly
- Godless Creation - origins of man
- Godless Humanism - worshipping the creation rather than the Creator
- Godless Science
- Sex Education - promoting perversions God never intended.
- Media- We have abdicated using our voice in the marketplace.
- Tax Collectors & Sinners
- Liars
- Boastful
- Arrogant
- Entertainment & Arts - We have lost our role in storytelling- telling His story
- Sensual
- Coarse
- Seductive
- Satanic
Jesus never practiced Social Distancing
- He talked with the Samaritan women at the well- Jews had nothing to do with Samaritans- He touched lepers who were 'unclean'- He touched dead bodies and brought them back to life.- He socially mixed with tax collectors- He defended the woman caught in adultery- He conversed with Terrorists (Zealots) even within the 12 disciples.- He was a 'friend' of sinners- He was accused of being a 'drinker' (partier)- He was accused of being a glutton.
Have you been accused lately of being a partygoer?
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
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