On August 3, 1993, I was invited to a presbytery held in Austin, MN with a group of church leaders from across Southern MN, and Northern Iowa. These men prayed and prophesied over me as I moved into the region. Among the many prophetic prayers and words (none of which were recorded, unfortunately), this one word stuck out...and it has stayed with me for over 25 years now.
Track and field Events Short Distance or Sprints are short running races. 100-yard dash, 440 Dash-
Middle Distance. The races are the 800m, the 1500m, and the 1-mile long runs.
Long Distance. There are three main long-distance races: the 3000m, the 5000m, and the 10,000m races,
Marathon races are generally 26.2 miles in length.
Translating this prophetic word from August 3, 1993, converting distances into days, months, and years would be:
But in this next season, I am training you to run the race for 9,432 days or 26.2 years.
Counting 9,432 days from Aug 3, 1993, after sundown my Mankato Marathon ends on Oct 13, 2019, after sundown (the opening hours of the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles 5780)
Using the Biblical/Hebraic calendar, this would be 26 years + 71 days. Adding 71 days to Aug 3 would mean I would finish my Marathon on 10-13-2019 which falls on the eve of the first day of Tabernacles!
You might ask me what comes next? I am not sure but I am expecting God to do something near the finish line ask me again after October 13th. This is, of course, a very interesting day in the annual calendar God gave to the Hebrews. And is the one feast that will be celebrated during the earthly reign of Jesus Christ when he comes to rule and reign on the earth.
It went something like this... paraphrased here but very close to the original My son:
You have run the100 yard dash and you have run it well.
You have run the 440 (quarter-mile) and you have run it well
You have run the mile and you have run it well. but this next season, I am going to train you to run the Marathon.
You have run the 440 (quarter-mile) and you have run it well
You have run the mile and you have run it well. but this next season, I am going to train you to run the Marathon.

Middle Distance. The races are the 800m, the 1500m, and the 1-mile long runs.
Long Distance. There are three main long-distance races: the 3000m, the 5000m, and the 10,000m races,
Marathon races are generally 26.2 miles in length.
Translating this prophetic word from August 3, 1993, converting distances into days, months, and years would be:
You have run for 100 days = 3.5 months and done well
You have run for 440 days = 1.2 years and done well
You have run for 1,760 days = 4.8 years and done well
But in this next season, I am training you to run the race for 9,432 days or 26.2 years.
Counting 9,432 days from Aug 3, 1993, after sundown my Mankato Marathon ends on Oct 13, 2019, after sundown (the opening hours of the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles 5780)
Using the Biblical/Hebraic calendar, this would be 26 years + 71 days. Adding 71 days to Aug 3 would mean I would finish my Marathon on 10-13-2019 which falls on the eve of the first day of Tabernacles!
You might ask me what comes next? I am not sure but I am expecting God to do something near the finish line ask me again after October 13th. This is, of course, a very interesting day in the annual calendar God gave to the Hebrews. And is the one feast that will be celebrated during the earthly reign of Jesus Christ when he comes to rule and reign on the earth.
Note: In the Hebraic Calendar - the timing of the leap years is calculated with a periodicity of 19 years. In 19 years the total difference between the lunar and solar cycles is 19 x 10.88292 = 206.77548 days. This difference amounts to about seven 30-day periods (206.77548 / 7 = 6.892516). The number 19 cannot be divided evenly by 7. So the Hebrew sages decided that leap year would be declared on the following years of a 19 year period: 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 (+ 3 = 22, & 25), leap year would happen 9 times during a period of 26.2 years) The addition of seven 30-day months results in a further difference of 3 days (210-207=3) every 19-year cycle. To make up for this difference 3 days are added to the months of Cheshvan and Kislev during each 19-year period.
So back to my Marathon period... it is coming to an end and Lord willing I will cross the finish line. While it may not look pretty, finishing the Marathon is a significant accomplishment. Even for those who just keep walking, just keep placing, one foot in front of the other. It is all about Tenacity.
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN
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