THE BARLEY LOAF IN THE OVAL OFFICE DREAM FULFILLED August 22, 2017 Four years ago today, in 2013 during our 40-day prayer campaign, I saw a two-part vision during a prayer meeting. In the vision a barley loaf rolled up Capitol Hill until it came to rest leaning on the rotunda of the Capitol building, then another barley loaf rolled into the oval office of the White House, filling it from top to bottom and from side to side. In 2013, I thought it was speaking about President Obama since he was the seated President of the United States at that time. But with the events which have taken place over the last year in the 2016 election, I now believe we have seen the beginning of the fulfillment of this vision during the 2016 elections; That resulted in 'an over-comer, unexpectedly "rolling" into the oval office and President Trump has also been seen to be leaning on Congress and the Senate on Capitol Hill. Here is my account of that vision on my 5...