The Bible is loaded with prophetic signs.
If they were just symbolic parallels, why give them the time of day?
If they were God's signposts, in order to get us to the right place, at the right time.
If they were meant to keep us in step with Him
Then it seems, it would be of great consequence to observe His signs.
Yesterday, I spoke about the thirteen days of removing leaven from the Hebrew homes instituted by God's command to remove leaven before the eve of Passover.

Well... On this occasion, two (2) legal events came together for the first time in history.
Jesus Son of God and Son of man had turned 30 years of age. and became a legal "son" His actions were now solely His responsibility and would not be laid at Joseph's ( his carpenter father) door.
- According to the Law of GOD, as GOD's now 'legal' son at (age 30) Jesus could cleanse His Father's house.
- According to the Law of GOD, as a Son of MAN the ancient law required the people of God to obey God and remove all the leaven from their House before the eve of Passover. this was the very first time Jesus as Joseph's son could fully become obedient to this law. Because for the first time He was 100 per cent responsible to obey, independent of his father Joseph, or his mother, or brothers.
Follow my logic here for a moment...
- The Holy Temple was the House of GOD, described in Scripture, as a place where the presence of God literally dwelt.
- Jesus was GOD, therefore the temple was, in essence, HIS house.
- Jesus was also MAN and HEBREW, so it was also his instruction (as a Hebrew born of a woman, born under the law) to purge out the old leaven. Purge out the old man and his ways. And Scripture says He (Jesus) fulfilled all the Torah (instructions, law) and the prophets.
Let's not despise prophetic signs and miss our day of visitation. The fulfillment of our day of visitation is already underway by means of the Holy Spirit, but there is a fulfillment yet to come in the Fall feasts, which paint the picture of Christ the King returning with His saints and coming into His rightful place as King of the whole earth. These are the prophetic destinations declared by the signs displayed in and through the fall feasts.
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN
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