NEW YEARS DAY IS TODAY - According to Ancient History Expert...
Aviv 1 or Nisan 1 is the first day of the year according to an ancient history expert and Hebrew culturist. who goes by several names, Jehovah, Yahweh, but most often, referred to as GOD.

Based on this instruction, we learn that throughout history, the Hebrews spent the first fourteen days of the year in removing leaven from their homes. They would go from room to room and they would search and remove any leaven found in their dwellings. They would remove the drawers and turn them upside down, even wiping out the corners. They wanted to clean house, literally, to invite the presence of God in for the wonder of Passover, celebrating their salvation from slavery.
- John chapter 2. Jesus drove out the money changers (old leaven) over-turning their tables (like drawers) Saying, "it is written, My house shall be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves."
- His actions preceded:
- His instituting the Lord's Supper.
- His death as the Passover Lamb, and
- three days in the belly of the earth, when his body would be proven to be free of all sin, Incorruptible!.
Paul's instruction to examine ourselves (remove the leaven out of our lives) precedes taking the Matzo bread and the wine in remembrance of Jesus' Death and Resurrection.
The seven feasts of God given to Israel actually provide a road map of the redemption plan of God for the human race. they are laid out in a way that reveals the plan over the millennium of man's history and they culminate in the return and coronation of Jesus as King of the whole World. Taking back in full restoration the dominion that God originally gave to the first Adam and his wife, now fulfilled in the second Adam (Jesus) and his wife (the overcomers).
What are you going to do over the next fourteen days? What are you going to do to get ready for His Second coming?
He also instructed them to remove all leaven from their homes and to complete the job before the eve of the 14th of Aviv, or Nisan. this was a Holy day known as Passover.
We derive our cultural "spring cleaning" idea from this ancient instruction of God, Himself.
It was during these very same fourteen days, specifically, the last 14 days leading up to Passover in the year 31 A.D. that John records that Jesus made a whip of cords and drove the money changers (old leaven) out of His Father's house.
In this same way:
The search and removal of leaven from their homes preceded their eating of the Matzo at the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
The search and removal of leaven from their homes preceded their eating of the Matzo at the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
You may want to think again, about the days we are living in.
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