2, 22, 222, 2222 - Keys to the House of David

2, 22, 222, 2222 - Keys to the House of David This Facebook post from Johnny Enlow was sent to me by a friend two years ago and I ran across it again today. So in good fun, I repost it here. OK, so the 2's have it. So many of you have apparently been seeing a lot of 222 and 2222 as well and are wondering as to what the Lord might be saying there. Three scriptures that I get for this are: Eph. 2:22, Rev. 22:2 and Acts 2:22. Eph. 2:22 is about us being built into a dwelling place for God. Rev. 22:2 is about being trees of life that bring healing to the nations. Acts 2:22 is about being a person of signs, wonders, and miracles. All three go together and as you see the 222 you are being reminded that you are one that is to carry the power and presence of God everywhere you go. Life of the supernatural is yours to step into as you host Him. Seeing 2222 at key times is about Isaiah. 22:22. This is the passage about ...