Something to think about...

On Thursday, August 22, 2013, during our 40 days of prayer campaign, I saw a vision of a large round barley loaf rolling up capitol hill in Washington D.C. and coming to rest leaning against the rotunda of the Capitol Building. 

The U.S.Capitol building stands 288 feet tall. 2 x 12 x 12. 12 is the number of divine governments. 
12 x 12 is 144 x 2 =288. Two houses convene here the House and the Senate. An overcomer is coming to lean on Congress and the Senate.

A moment later another large round barley loaf rolled into the Oval Office; it was so big that it completely filled the entire oval office from side to side, from end to end, and from top to bottom. An overcomer is going to roll into the Oval office. The oval office was built as an oval to simulate the womb and the sign of the overcomer is the sign of resurrection.

Here are the dimensions of the Oval Office:
Major axis (north-south)35′10″10.9 m
Minor axis (east-west)29′8.8 m
Height18′6″5.6 m

You can read my post from August 22, 2013 here.

On November 8, 2016, Donald means (lord) Trump became the 45th President (elect) after facing much adversity during the campaign and with all the media amassed against him. So shocked were the media Moguls and the demigods of the democratic party, that they were speechless as the results came in.  Donald Trump was like Gideon of old in that he was greatly outnumbered. A barley loaf appears in the story of Gideon, as God said to Gideon if you are afraid, go down to the tents of Midian. The barley loaf was God's sign in a dream to a Midianite soldier that Israel was going to win over the Midianites, even though they were greatly outnumbered. In the dream, a barley loaf rolled down the hill and struck the tents of the Midianites and the tents collapsed. 

The warfare that was carried out against Midian was without weapons, there were only 300 men carrying a Trump in one hand and a torch in a clay jar in the other. There were no hands left, to carry a weapon, These 300 men went up against 100,000 trained warriors without any weapons in their hands and wiped them out because God was moving on their behalf and the enemies of the Lord began to turn on each other.  

The meaning of the name Midian is 'Government' so the overcoming loaf rolling into the tents of Midian was a change of government to become the Government chosen by God. The barley loaf was going to cause the tents (temporary structures) of government to collapse. A small remnant would carry the day against a larger number of them. 

The verb דין (din) is one of a few verbs that may mean to judge or govern. HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament notes that this verb occurs far fewer times in the Bible than some other verbs that mean to judge, rule, or govern. "The chief theological significance of this word is that apparently, it embodies the idea of government, in whatever realm, in all aspects.[ . . . ] It represents God's government as both among his people and among all people".

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The Road Not Taken

At Home In MN  


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