What would you say to the following questions?
- When does the day begin? 12:01 AM? 6 AM? 8 AM?
- When does the week begin? Sunday? Monday?
- When does the month begin? Calendar date? New moon?
- When does the year begin? January 1? Spring 1?
You might be surprised to learn that God has a different answer to each of these questions.
You will also discover that our current culture openly disagrees with God and that the Roman world empire orchestrated an attempt to alter the times and the seasons, even as was predicted in the book of Daniel speaking of the fourth world empire which would come on the scene centuries earlier.
Since we are still living in the legacy of that empire we may be ignorant that any changes took place, unless of course we get past our cultural norms and rediscover our Bibles again with open eyes and discover what God actually said about these things.
Unless we know our bibles, this shift in times and seasons can cause the church and individuals to set-up some strange practices, some of these strange practices have even become very popular in religious culture, but have no substance in Scriptural instruction.
When we practice them, are we are in essence, agreeing to disagree with God. For example;
Contrary to popular belief, Watch Night services held at midnight on Dec. 31 do not usher in a New Year! Not according to Scripture! Not according to Heaven, Not even a new month 29 out of 30 times.
In order to "watch" during an annual transition according to Scripture we would have our watch night services at sundown on the last day of the year, which is not December 31, but rather in the Spring on the new moon which follows the spring Equinox. Abib 1, (in the Spring is the biblically first day of the year) (Nisan 1 is another name for the same day.)
Genesis says that the sun, moon and stars were given to govern over the day and the night and for signs in the heavens,
Also which holidays we choose to observe indicates our agreement or disagreement with God on what is on his heart and mind. There are appointed times that He has said He wants His children to observe by coming together with each other and our Heavenly Father for these Holy convocations.
According to Scripture... this is how the Bible would answer these four questions.
1. each day begins at sundown
2. the first day of the week is Sunday, literally the 1st day unto the Sabbath
3. each Month begins with the sighting of the new moon.
4. each new year begins on the eve of the new moon which follows the Spring Equinox.
Learn more about how God looks at times and seasons. God's Calendar
You will also discover that our current culture openly disagrees with God and that the Roman world empire orchestrated an attempt to alter the times and the seasons, even as was predicted in the book of Daniel speaking of the fourth world empire which would come on the scene centuries earlier.

Unless we know our bibles, this shift in times and seasons can cause the church and individuals to set-up some strange practices, some of these strange practices have even become very popular in religious culture, but have no substance in Scriptural instruction.
When we practice them, are we are in essence, agreeing to disagree with God. For example;
Contrary to popular belief, Watch Night services held at midnight on Dec. 31 do not usher in a New Year! Not according to Scripture! Not according to Heaven, Not even a new month 29 out of 30 times.
In order to "watch" during an annual transition according to Scripture we would have our watch night services at sundown on the last day of the year, which is not December 31, but rather in the Spring on the new moon which follows the spring Equinox. Abib 1, (in the Spring is the biblically first day of the year) (Nisan 1 is another name for the same day.)
Genesis says that the sun, moon and stars were given to govern over the day and the night and for signs in the heavens,
14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.Here again in this context the beginning of each day is outlined by God as at sundown.
Also which holidays we choose to observe indicates our agreement or disagreement with God on what is on his heart and mind. There are appointed times that He has said He wants His children to observe by coming together with each other and our Heavenly Father for these Holy convocations.
According to Scripture... this is how the Bible would answer these four questions.
1. each day begins at sundown
2. the first day of the week is Sunday, literally the 1st day unto the Sabbath
3. each Month begins with the sighting of the new moon.
4. each new year begins on the eve of the new moon which follows the Spring Equinox.
Learn more about how God looks at times and seasons. God's Calendar
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