This post is about the Minneapolis Miracle in 1971 October 1971 - Minneapolis Miracle It began with A special weekend prayer retreat at the campus of Camp Courage just west of Minneapolis. That weekend Dick Eastman used the gift of Word of knowledge to call out almost a hundred youth one by one telling them what God had called them to do, recalling events and conversations that had happened at the time of that previous event. I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit that night with at least 30 others. God was present in a tangible way as the Spirit hovered over our camp. They closed the dining hall because none of the 120 students were showing up for meals, curfew was dropped because young men and women were staying up all night in prayer searching their hearts and seeking God, We all left there changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Dick Eastman went onto North Central Bible College in downtown Mpls. Monday to lead their morning chapel service, ...