GET A ROOM ! Please.
We have all seen a pair of young lovers who gaze endlessly into each other's eyes and will kiss each other publicly at the drop of a hat.
Like every two minutes, they wrap their arms around each other and just cling to each other endlessly.
Most of us are uncomfortable with their behavior, we look away, embarrassed for these kids who do not know how improper it is to display their affection so publicly.
And yet a part of us secretly wonders where all the electricity and chemistry has gone in our love relationship? We used to carry on just like them back in the day before we discovered what it means to be proper. What has changed?
As I was laying in my bed awake at 4 am contemplating leading prayer this monring on revival and the church. God brought the Song of Songs to my mind.
BTW* - This is not our favorite book of the Bible. Must of us are not very comfortable with it, because the two lovers are very mushy, poetic and seemly oblivious to the rest of the world as they lavish their love and adoration lyrically on each other. And besides being romantic, it is practically a musical for God's sake! Everything they say has been put to a musical score. This intimate book can put us off, like those two young lovers making out in the mall...
It really doesn't matter who the players were in the Song of Songs, some say it was Solomon and a Shulamite maiden. Others say it is an allegory for Christ and his Bride. In either case, we are still uncomfortable with their raw honesty, the poetic innuendos, the language dripping with love and oozing with emotions and desire.
Like every two minutes, they wrap their arms around each other and just cling to each other endlessly.
Most of us are uncomfortable with their behavior, we look away, embarrassed for these kids who do not know how improper it is to display their affection so publicly.
And yet a part of us secretly wonders where all the electricity and chemistry has gone in our love relationship? We used to carry on just like them back in the day before we discovered what it means to be proper. What has changed?
As I was laying in my bed awake at 4 am contemplating leading prayer this monring on revival and the church. God brought the Song of Songs to my mind.
BTW* - This is not our favorite book of the Bible. Must of us are not very comfortable with it, because the two lovers are very mushy, poetic and seemly oblivious to the rest of the world as they lavish their love and adoration lyrically on each other. And besides being romantic, it is practically a musical for God's sake! Everything they say has been put to a musical score. This intimate book can put us off, like those two young lovers making out in the mall...
It really doesn't matter who the players were in the Song of Songs, some say it was Solomon and a Shulamite maiden. Others say it is an allegory for Christ and his Bride. In either case, we are still uncomfortable with their raw honesty, the poetic innuendos, the language dripping with love and oozing with emotions and desire.
Phrases like, let Him kiss me with the Kisses of his mouth, just seem out-of-place for the church.
These phrases are too strong for our sensitive religious equilibrium.
Remember when we open the book, "Song of Songs", we are eavesdropping on a couple that loves one another deeply and we should respond appropriately. They are sharing the equivalent of tweets, text messages and FaceBook posts to their friends and acquaintances. Candid reports of the progression of their relationship status, they openly discuss their families, their late night activities, their secret inner desires in detail and we might respond TMI**
Why can't they just get a room? I know some of you are squirming right now with intense discomfort. just reading this and I will reassure you, we can move on shortly.
Getting beyond our religious discomfort, you have to admit their song is not a typical 'one-way' love song, where a boy is singing the praises of a girl, or the other way around. Rather it is written as an interactive duet, this Song of Songs.
It is filled with praise, but the praise is traveling back and forth both ways. Like in a musical. The Beloved (king) and the Shunammite (maiden) take turns singing about the adoration and desire they feel towards one another. And I was almost imagining melodramatic backdrops and dancers going on all around them.
These phrases are too strong for our sensitive religious equilibrium.
My beloved put his hand
By the latch of the door,
And my heart yearned for him.
5 I arose to open for my beloved,
And my hands dripped with myrrh,
My fingers with liquid myrrh,
On the handles of the lock.
By the latch of the door,
And my heart yearned for him.
5 I arose to open for my beloved,
And my hands dripped with myrrh,
My fingers with liquid myrrh,
On the handles of the lock.
6 I opened for my beloved,
But my beloved had turned away and was gone.
-Song of Songs-
But my beloved had turned away and was gone.
-Song of Songs-
Remember when we open the book, "Song of Songs", we are eavesdropping on a couple that loves one another deeply and we should respond appropriately. They are sharing the equivalent of tweets, text messages and FaceBook posts to their friends and acquaintances. Candid reports of the progression of their relationship status, they openly discuss their families, their late night activities, their secret inner desires in detail and we might respond TMI**
Why can't they just get a room? I know some of you are squirming right now with intense discomfort. just reading this and I will reassure you, we can move on shortly.
Getting beyond our religious discomfort, you have to admit their song is not a typical 'one-way' love song, where a boy is singing the praises of a girl, or the other way around. Rather it is written as an interactive duet, this Song of Songs.
It is filled with praise, but the praise is traveling back and forth both ways. Like in a musical. The Beloved (king) and the Shunammite (maiden) take turns singing about the adoration and desire they feel towards one another. And I was almost imagining melodramatic backdrops and dancers going on all around them.
And that is when I came to a disturbing conclusion about prayer...
while still lying on my bed.
while still lying on my bed.
Our times of prayer should sound like the Song of Songs.
It is not strange to think of two lovers who sing to turn and sing a love song to each other. To have a two-way discourse in their song. In fact, it is the only thing that really makes any sense.
It is not strange to think of two lovers who sing to turn and sing a love song to each other. To have a two-way discourse in their song. In fact, it is the only thing that really makes any sense.
Can this two-way flow change how we pray in corporate meetings as well as in the secret place?
Can it change how we deliver a prophetic word?
Can it change how we deliver a prophetic word?
Maybe this is in part the mystery of speaking in tongues that is so offensive to some, they can't monitor what the two lovers are talking about in their private language. They are embarrassing the rest of us who are beyond such childish displays of affection. If you want to speak in tongues, dance, get drunk in the Spirit, fall down, laugh or anything else undignified...

and some might say... "would you and the Holy Spirit get a room"... please?
And to that, I would say this is the room for loving God with abandon.
This is the prayer room it is the place for loving God openly, with emotion, poetically, demonstratively, passionately. The place to speak and to sing words of love and affection.,
I think, if we can get past the discomfort, we will find that we can hear Him begin to sing over us His desires and of His affection toward us.
Let's go find out what might happen when we slip behind the veil.

and some might say... "would you and the Holy Spirit get a room"... please?
And to that, I would say this is the room for loving God with abandon.
This is the prayer room it is the place for loving God openly, with emotion, poetically, demonstratively, passionately. The place to speak and to sing words of love and affection.,
I think, if we can get past the discomfort, we will find that we can hear Him begin to sing over us His desires and of His affection toward us.
Let's go find out what might happen when we slip behind the veil.
*BTW = by the way in text language
**TMI= Too Much Information
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