It is high time to pull out the prophetic words spoken over you and to shake off the dust from them.

RETURN TO ME... ALL YOU WEARY AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST SHEMITAH - A SET APART YEAR TO ENTER HIS REST There has been a growing sense within me that we are each to return to our inheritance during this season. Which you all know, I have mentioned several times this past year. However, I saw something clearer this morning than ever before. If we were under the old covenant, with the (physical) sacrifices of lambs and goats and bulls, then, of course, we would be returning to the (physical) land left to us by our earthly fathers, our (physical) earthly inheritance. But we have entered into the New Covenant, where the blood of Christ speaks a better word. In this covenant, the spiritual has replaced the mere shadow of the old covenant, which dealt in the temporary (physical things) that have both a beginning and an end. These spiritual things are eternal and therefore our inheritance is a spiritual place or if you will it is a spiritual land ...