A Prophetic Timeline of God's Plan of Redemption

A friend suggested that I offer access here to my Videos on the Moedim or 'appointed times' of the LORD. There are nine video sessions recorded during a small in-person class from the spring of 2016 on the Prophetic Calendar,
During this class, we used a few other resources...
Links to the videos of this class
Password for all sessions: Festival
Disclaimer - These videos are over seven years old, they represent a snapshot of where I was in the spring of 2016. The content is the result of 400+ hours of reading, researching, recording, and editing the material.
However, over the last seven years, I have increased my understanding of this material. Today I teach it a little differently because of the additional insights and information I have received. One of the things I would change in these videos is to reduce any statements that would have the smell of legalism.
In challenging the extra-biblical traditions of the Western church it may appear that I am substituting Jewish legalism. To be clear, I am not suggesting that anyone go back into legalistic Judaism any more than I would suggest they go back into legalistic Christian traditions. I do believe that the New Covenant believer should seek to find the new spiritual equivalent that fulfills the Old Covenant physical practice.
I have learned and refined what I teach regarding the Moedim over the last seven years, to simply restate Leviticus 23:2 word for word. which says...
“Speak to the people of Israel and say to them,
These are the appointed feasts of the LORD
that you shall proclaim as holy convocations;
they are my appointed feasts.
“These are the appointed feasts of the LORD, the holy convocations,
which you shall proclaim
at the time appointed for them.
These appointed feasts belong to the Lord, We are to proclaim them at their appointed times.
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
At Home In MN
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