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“Write the vision down and make it plain, that he may run who reads it.” Habakuk the prophet I wanted to give a gift that would last beyond my sojourn here on the earth and so I began to write. I wrote of life, my life, the little things that happened that day. I wrote about things that went right and about things that went wrong. I wrote about things I thought were meaningless and later some proved to be significant I wrote about things I thought were significant and later some proved to be meaningless. “God and I spoke further, I will not tell you what we said.” Author Unknown I wrote down what I thought God was saying at the moment. I wrote down my dreams. Some were insightful and others remain a mystery. I wrote down what was prophesied in my hearing, and what was prophesied to me. And in the end, I discovered the pearls that truly came from Him. “Writing comes more easily, if you have something to say” – Sholem Auch I wrote about peopl...