Which comes first Revival or the Harvest?
2020 Perfect Vision = 5780 Both the Roman calendar and the Hebraic calendar indicate we are moving into a new decade A new season. 50 years after the Jesus People Movement revival.
Without revival, the church folk will not go out into the harvest.
REVIVAL = When the church returns to their first love.
Their great hope is to fly away to their heavenly destination someday, they have no concept of discipleship, of training in preparation for their reigning/ruling over nations at the side of their bridegroom Jesus.

Without going out it is impossible to bring in a harvest.
REVIVAL = When the church returns to their first love.
HARVEST = when a revived church becomes the 'second' son who goes out into the field to bring in the harvest.
What is your end game?
What are you laboring for?
It sounds a lot like self-indulgence to me.
- A mansion in the sky?
- A cloud?
- A golden harp
- An eternal vacation?
Consider this story.
7:00 am You are still eating breakfast when you hear someone knocking on your door.
You open the door to see two Secret Service agents standing on the porch.
A Black Limousine is waiting at the curb with the engine running.
An American flag is posted at one corner of the bumper and the Seal of the POTUS flag is on the other corner.
The agents quickly explain to you that you are now 'acting' President of the United States!
As you are driven to the airport and step onto Airforce One...
You open the door to see two Secret Service agents standing on the porch.
A Black Limousine is waiting at the curb with the engine running.
An American flag is posted at one corner of the bumper and the Seal of the POTUS flag is on the other corner.
The agents quickly explain to you that you are now 'acting' President of the United States!
As you are driven to the airport and step onto Airforce One...
What do you wish you had spent more time learning, training for, and experiencing to prepare you for this moment?
It is called discipleship, training for the reigning with the same character as Christ.
It is called discipleship, training for the reigning with the same character as Christ.
Many going to church services today are largely looking back in the rearview mirror at:
Their great hope is to fly away to their heavenly destination someday, they have no concept of discipleship, of training in preparation for their reigning/ruling over nations at the side of their bridegroom Jesus.
In contrast, the 'Tabernacles' church will begin to stand and take their place of influence on the earth as they awaken to see, It is high time to prepare the way of the Lord to come as KING of the whole earth.
And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. Romans 13:11-13
Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 1 Corinthians 6:2
Dear Designated Survivor,
What are you doing today to prepare yourself for your eternal reality?
What are you doing in regard to discipleship?
What are you doing to develop the character of 'Christ in you, the hope of Glory'?
What are you doing today to prepare yourself for your eternal reality?
What are you doing in regard to discipleship?
What are you doing to develop the character of 'Christ in you, the hope of Glory'?
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
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