Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 (NKJV)
the last Trump will sound at sundown tonight in Jerusalem. About 10:38 Am in the Central Time Zone.
The times we are living in are so pregnant with signs of the end times that I felt I should forward these links, especially to those who attended my class last year on the Seven Feasts of the LORD.
There are three links below to videos about the signs of our times taking place in just the last 50 days.
The speaker is Steve Cioccolanti from Discover Ministries in Melbourne Australia.
The speaker is Steve Cioccolanti from Discover Ministries in Melbourne Australia.
The first video SIGNS is very good but it is 55 mins. in length, so get a drink, a snack, and take your bio-break before starting the video. You won't want to stop in the middle of it.
- American Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017, the 1st of Elul (Harvest)
- American Solar Eclipse 1918 - the flu Pandemic of 1918
- WWI Solar Eclipse August 21, 1914
- The most famous Solar eclipse of the ancient world happened in Nineveh in 763 B.C. just before Jonah arrived there via a three-day ride in the great fish. preaching Repent 40 days of judgment.
The second video (24 mins.) End Time Predictions made in the first video came true in just days. with Hurricane Harvey and Irma
- Harvey (Battle Worthy) 3 times bigger than Hurricane Katrina
- Corpus Christi (Body of Christ)
- Major Earthquake in Mexico City
Third Video Signs in the Heavens-Above and on the earth beneath on September 23, 2017--
This video is NOT for everybody (55 min.)
This video is NOT for everybody (55 min.)
- Woman with the sun at her head and the moon beneath her feet,
- with the 12 stars in her crown
- the constellation Virgo, with the nine stars of Leo and three planets as a crown on her head and
- Jupiter the 'King' planet has been in orbit within her "womb" for nine months since Dec 23, 2016, the last day before Hanukkah 2016
- THE KING PLANET IS BEING BIRTHED on September 23, 2017.
- Hurricane Jose (Joseph)
- Hurricane Maria (Mary)
- Beginning due to a rare dance on September 23, 2017
- Raging wildfires in California
- Earthquakes in North Carolina?
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Various writings from the past
The Road Not Taken
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