Passover and the seven days that follow it are days in which all of God's people ate unleavened bread.
What's so special about Matzo bread?
What's so special about Matzo bread?

it does not mold. It is incorruptible. It can be sealed in a box for years and be taken out and used. Because all of the impurities that would feed bacteria have been "tested by fire" and removed.
The unleavened bread signifies, the sinless God-man, Jesus, the second Adam, who was the incorruptible bread that came down out of heaven, This Bread (His body) did not see decay, because there was no sin found in Him that could hold Him in the grave.
"The wages of Sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life."
Every year God had Israel eat this Matzo bread to make the declaration that He had not forgotten His Promise in the Garden to redeem Adam's race back as HIs inheritance.
Although the Jews did not intend to validate Jesus as Messiah, the Matzo bread used for a millennium speaks a clear word.
The lamb selected and prepared for Passover was to be roasted, not boiled.
The lamb selected and prepared for Passover was to be roasted, not boiled.
This bread is roasted, so quickly in fact, and at a higher temperature, "it is rushed" so that no moisture remains to feed bacterial growth. Jesus the bread of heaven is rushed through a series of trails (by fire) beaten by the soldiers with many stripes and then pierced (in the side to make sure he is finished) and rushed into a grave, to rest just minutes before the Passover Sabbath. begins.
The darker spots seen here are also in rows like the stripes he bore on HIs back
and the piercing to make the bread roast in less time makes this bread "pierced" even as HE was pierced for our iniquities. This bread has been used b Hebrews for thousands of years but they did not discern the signpost to get them to the right place at the right time.
and so they missed the day of their visitation.
Let's not despise prophetic signs and miss our day of visitation. The fulfillment of our day of visitation is already underway by means of the Holy Spirit, but there is a fulfillment yet to come in the Fall feasts, which paint the picture of Christ the King returning with HIS saints and coming into a place as King of the whole earth. These are the prophetic signs declared through the fall feasts.
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