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LOGOS Vs. RHEMA WORDS 05-31-2013

I arrived late and from the instant I stepped into the foyer I was struck by the quiet. While there is no set pattern to these weekly intercessor meetings, they usually have more volume and action than I was presently seeing.

I entered the sanctuary and moved toward the small circle of chairs at the front. 

I set my heart to pray silently, as the room was almost silent, the sharing was very low volume, interspersed with periods of silence. But I felt a peace that was profound, it was okay to be quiet for periods of time. I could tell that people were in contemplation about things. But I also wondered if people were discouraged or lost in thought.

When I attempted to play something appropriate on my guitar, it seemed out of place like it was an interruption to the Peace. 

So I quit playing for a while, until later when Aaron began on a soft C /// to Am //// chord sequence. I joined him and then shared a Scripture song from the 70’s from Abbott Loop Church in Anchorage Alaska it is based on Ps. 25 5,6,10 Show me thy ways Oh Lord.

After about 10-15 minutes I said,
“I know I got here late…”
“Did you guys have a chance to soak?”   Yes was the answer.
“Did you get anything from God?”       Yes.
“Did you share what you got?”            Yes.
“Did you pray it out?”                        Yes.

Then someone asked, David? Do you have something to share that God has given you? I replied, I don’t have anything in particular and then I began to talk about how imperative it is to obey a Rhema word from God. Among other things I cited Henry Blackaby, Author of Experiencing God,

When God speaks, He speaks at exactly the right time, so it is the right time to act on what he said, right now.  

While it is important to obey the logos word, which applies to our lives in a general (a principle-based word) sort of way. 

It is imperative to obey instantly a Rhema (God-breathed, now word) word because it is a personally applied now word for this exact moment.  When the Holy Spirit speaks (a 'now' word) it is time to act in obedience NOW.

This is a problem many people have, it holds them back from the promises of God, and walking in their calling, reaching toward their destiny.  For instance, the principle of worshiping God, or singing his praises in the midst of the congregation is different than God giving me a spontaneous God-breathed song and telling me to sing it NOW during a gathering of believers.

The ‘principle’ of worshiping God is met by simply singing along with others in the congregation, a known written song vs. stepping out in faith to sing an ‘unknown’ song when maybe nobody else is singing. 
The same is true of a prophetic word, a spontaneous song, witnessing to a family member or a total stranger, giving a word of knowledge or word of wisdom. 
The general principle “that you may all prophesy one by one” is different than stepping up to the plate and opening your mouth to speak an oracle, to a stranger or a friend.

At several junctures in my 10-minute monologue, Aaron said I had just covered what the others had said in part before I arrived. 

In particular, God had confirmed through my discussion the four passages he had written down before the meeting. And was waiting to share until someone else spoke about them.  
·         II Chronicles 20 - Jehoshaphat - a 'now' word from a prophet
·         II Chronicles 30 - a 'now' word from a priest
·         Judges -
·         Ephesians –

We broke at 10:00 pm after a few minutes. A conversation ensued in the lobby which continued until midnight, with Andy, Aaron, and me. We talked about hearing the voice of God and clearing the other voices from our minds. Hearing God, within a clear atmosphere, about confusing problems that are in no way clear.  


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