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IS YOUR ALL ON THE ALTAR? - 06-13-2013

I arrived early and set up the soundboard.
I selected three songs from Revival in Belfast. and three from the loft series, Walking in the promise, Fall Afresh, and Come to Me.  

The presence of God was perceptible from almost the very first measure. It grew during the soaking time many had lifted hands and were engaged in worship. I encouraged Phil to play piano and he asked if I was going to play guitar.

7:55 PM some start gathering up at the front. Different ones shared what was on their hearts.

Phil shared about the worship protocol of the Tabernacle again. I shared about the cherubim that accompany the presence of God in the temple. And how the Scripture says that angels long to look into these things but they cannot sing the song of the redeemed. They are amazed at the love of God extended to man, and the plan of redemption. 

False FOUNDATIONS – THE STRUCTURE built on false foundations NEEDS TO FALL AWAY as the house is shaken.
I shared my dream from last Wednesday, June 5, about the century-old brick house and the structure coming apart. We prayed for revival fire and a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit.

I saw a man’s chest opened for surgery with gloved hands and the living heart lifted out of a man’s chest while still connected and placed on a stone table. The heart was still quivering with life. This is a picture of a phrase from an old hymn 
“Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?” 
We are being called to put our very life on the altar and let God kill it if he so desires.

“Here we are waiting for this house to be shaken.”

We prayed for the leadership of the house to receive a fresh anointing of the Spirit with wisdom and understanding. 

To be blessed with wisdom and clarity and a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost.

"blow through the caverns of my soul, pour in me to overflow"

Prophesy to dead things calling them to life
prophesy to the wind to come and bring things to life.

Dry Bones – Ezekiel
Those who rose with Christ during His resurrection
Lazarus come forth

Noble’s word for the day was out of Ephesians 4:14-17.

“Awake oh sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you. Redeeming the time for the days are evil.”

Aaron shared Psalm 17
“Keep me as the apple of your eye.
Hide me under the shadow of your wings.
…I will be satisfied when I awake with your likeness.”  

We called for the wind of heaven and the fire to come and sweep over us. We cried out to God. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied. 

“God we are wholly unsatisfied, we are wholly unsatisfied with earthly bread, with the water that is temporary and we thirst again. 

We are wholly unsatisfied with the state of the church and the world. With man’s ways and man-made programs and man’s ideas.

We cry out to you because we know you hear the cry of your children and you come down, come down into this room, walk among us in this place.”

Search me oh Lord and know my ways see if there be any wicked way in me. 

Come and refill, re-baptize us with fire and with your Spirit, satisfy us with your self. 


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