TNP Dec 27 - 65 Impala (Cont.)

December 27 2012

7:00 pm Don M., David S., Andy G. Phil H. attended.  
Andy shared about a friend that calls him and speaks of lacking a reason to live. Andy is at the place of burnout.

Sidebar - Micah called he hit a curb and bent his rim and needed advice on how to fix it so he could keep working. I went out to help Micah in the parking lot while Don put on some soaking music.

When I came back in Don was praying for Andy and I joined him. Don was praying about Andy not carrying all the weight of this guy’s life and choices.  At first, I heard the phrase out of scripture for Andy.

“He makes my feet like hinds feet and sets me on my high places. You will leap like a hart upon the high places.”
2 Samuel 22:34
The whole time I was seeing this series of close-up shots of an automobile, so I sat down and waited for Don to finish.

At first, I saw two colored stones each set in a square setting of silver metal, the first was aqua or teal colored and the second was red. From my vantage point, the Teal stone was closer or below, and the red stone was farther away or higher.
1. Columbian Emerald*                      2. Madagascar Garnet

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver.” Proverbs 25:11

* It is the Tribe of Naphtali which was associated with the Emerald Stone which was associated with Healing.
Baruch be Shem Yeshuah ha Messiah. 
David Nicolle · National Director For Sri Lanka at GOD TV

The light was reflected through them by a strip of chrome on which they were mounted. Upon closer examination, the settings were actually chrome and not silver keeping with the automotive theme, although that had not been established just yet.
The stones and their settings were mounted onto a strip of chrome 1 to 2 inches wide and over 12 inches long.  It looked like automotive trim like on the top of the back of the driver’s seat.

As my view pulled out to include more of the scene, I sensed the word shoulder, as though the stones were mounted on a man’s shoulder. As I shared this Don Millican actually confirmed it with a comment about the High priestly breastplate. The High Priest also wore one stone on each shoulder (six tribes engraved on each) in order to carry the tribes of Israel on his shoulders as well as have them on his heart. As I continued to pray silently the pictures changed to snapshots of a car’s interior, Aqua and white and lots of chrome.

I had an impression from a CU (close-up) shot of tail lights that I was looking at a 65 Chevy Impala. I had no idea why I sensed it was a 65 Impala. I had the strong impression that this car was being restored to perfection.
       ‘65’ Impala Interior first image                ‘65’ Impala second CU image

All the chrome and upholstery were flawless not even a fingerprint was evident.

I was just about to say something and Don said does your friend struggle with forgiveness? Andy responded, “the guys he built cars with were mean to him because he was a goody two shoes.”

Because of the colored stones in silver settings and the scripture about running on the high places. I believe that this was a word for Andy, after all, we were praying for Andy, The word is about a restoration ministry that is his destiny. If the teal-colored (emerald) stone is for Healing see the note above. Then what is the red stone for? Salvation? Or do they represent the two baptisms, water, and fire?
Interesting note: when I mentioned this to Andy he and his friends had rebuilt a ‘66’ Impala back in the day. So I thought maybe my impression was in error. So I compared pics from both years. And it was definitely a ‘65’ that I saw and not a ‘66’.

‘65’ Chevy Impala                             ‘66’ Chevy Impala

This was the strip of chrome I saw at the top of the seat of a ‘65’ Impala. In fact it was almost this angle of view.
The ‘66’ seat has no strip of chrome
         ‘65’  Impala Interior                            ‘66’ Impala Interior
Also, I saw CU (close-up) shots of chrome trim with inset (brushed metal) evident on this ‘65’ model but not on the ‘66’ Impala.

During the next week, Andy asked his friend is there something significant to you about a ‘65’ Impala?  He got quite angry and went off the deep end, ranting about how someone mistreated him. We think there is a connection here to identify a cause of un-forgiveness in Andy's friend.   


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