A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT - My Dream House - Part Two

20 YEARS - MY PROPHETIC DREAM HOUSE - PART 2 A River Runs Through It Before you read this post you may want to read My Dream House on Fire. My Dream House - Part Two My wife and I agreed to buy Bella's 'dream' house on May 30th of 1993. We engaged the services of our Realtor, Mary and we made an offer on the house. We started to remove the waterlogged sheet rock and carpet July 3, 1993. filling a dumpster. Our first contractor had to drop the job because his excavation man broke a leg the night before he was supposed to start digging. We prayed and our Realtor recommended a local contractor named Mark. The construction permit was initiated on 7-7-1993 . And our Dream house was getting ready to be lifted up while its foundation was removed and then lowered down onto a new foundation... it had already experienced a fire, years before when the same house number was attached to the house next door. A second contractor was selected and began work ...