A Prophetic Timeline of God's Plan of Redemption

A friend suggested that I offer access here to my Videos on the Moedim or 'appointed times' of the LORD. There are nine video sessions recorded during a small in-person class from the spring of 2016 on the Prophetic Calendar, During this class, we used a few other resources... The Feasts of Israel A Prophetic Calendar author Jill Shannon An Israeli Love Story by Zola Levitt Holy Days vs. Holidays published by the Church of God Links to the videos of this class Introduction - Holy Days vs. Holidays Session 1 - God's Calendar Session 2 - Passover Session 3 - Unleavened Bread Session 4 - Wave Sheaf or first fruits of Barley Session 5 - Feast of Weeks - Pentecost Session 6 - Feast of Trumpets Session 7 - Day of Atonement Session 8 - Sukkot, Tabernacles Password for all sessions: Festival Disclaimer - These videos are over seven years old, they represent a snapshot of where I was in the spring of 2016. The content is the res...