Proclaiming the Moedim by the Spirit

Chapter 2 – How do we proclaim the LORD's Moedim by the Spirit? When Jesus fulfilled the Spring Feasts in His first coming, He forever transformed them into a New Covenant spiritual reality. Before we can proclaim them in the proper New Covenant way we have to understand some basic biblical principles, they are not complex, and you might already know some of them. Last time we talked about this principle. “First the natural and afterward the spiritual” 1 Corinthians 15:46 In the Old Covenant, all of the Feasts and the law were expressed entirely in the natural realm. The law was written by the finger of God on Stone tablets . Exodus 31:18 Circumcision was a physical mark in the natural flesh indicating being sanctified unto God. The people of God were natural (biological) descendants of Israel and his 12 sons. The sacrifices required the physical death of animals. · God's Presence dwelt in a tent covered by layers of dead animal skins stretched o...