Four hot dry months without a single Feast of the Lord! There are four months without a single feast from The Feast of Shavuot, ('Weeks' or Pentecost) early in the third month until the 'Return' feasts of the seventh month. If you have read any of my other posts about the Seven Feasts of the Lord you already know the Fall Feasts will be fulfilled by the Second coming of Christ or at Christ's return. And we can see this of course because looking back we can see that the Spring Feasts were fulfilled in great detail by Jesus during his first coming. The last Feast of Spring early in the third month celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit as another comforter, He will be with us right up until the return of Jesus the Christ some year at the Feast of Trumpets. So the Holy Spirit was sent to get us through the dog days of Summer! These four months (3,4,5,6) can be applied to the prophetic timeline of the 2,000 years or (4 x 500-year 'months') of the Church Age ...