
Showing posts from 2019


BLACK FRIDAY INTO WHITE SATURDAY What do Dads do on Black Friday? Well...This dad is fixing a mistake the assembler made at Fleet Farm when they put together my daughter's new snowblower. An improper position kept the blade rotating all the time even without squeezing the handle. I will get it fixed this afternoon just in time before the next winter storm rolls through tonight. With 35-40 MPH winds, snow blowing is going to be so much fun, as long as I remember to keep the chute in line with the wind. In life, even in the wintery storms of life we can be joyful if we stay aligned with the wind of the Spirit. But if we find ourselves running against the wind it can be a chilling experience. Bob Seger, wrote a song many years ago that talks about the difficulty of running against the wind. He lays out what it costs and what is lost when we continue to run against the wind. He could have inserted the Holy Spirit for the word wind and it would tell the real story of chasing fame...


YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED! and so are the hairs on your head. You are here at this exact moment in history and at this exact place geographically and relationally for a unique God Initiated creative and significant purpose. All of your days were strategically planned and set up by God beforehand in order for you to reach your highest potential. You are the highest expression of your entire bloodline right up to this very minute. God has invested in building several generations to bring together the exact combination of elements to form you specifically the way you are, to accomplish a task in your lifetime, that only you can accomplish. He has determined everything about you even down to the exact number of hairs on your head! Are not two   sparrows sold for a   copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.   But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.   Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. M...

Which comes first Revival or the Harvest?

2020 Perfect Vision = 5780 Both the Roman calendar and the Hebraic calendar indicate we are moving into a new decade A new season. 50 years after the Jesus People Movement revival.  Without revival, the church folk will not go out into the harvest.  Without going out it is impossible to bring in a harvest.  REVIVAL = When the church returns to their first love. HARVEST = when a revived church becomes the 'second' son who goes out into the field to bring in the harvest.      What is your end game?     What are you laboring for? A mansion in the sky? A cloud?    A golden harp An eternal vacation? It sounds a lot like self-indulgence to me.  Consider this story. 7:00 am You are still eating breakfast when you hear someone knocking on your door.  You open the door to see two Secret Service agents standing on the porch.  A Black Limousine is waiting at the curb with the engine running.  An American flag...

The Eighth Day!

The Great Eighth Day Just when you thought you knew what 'new beginnings' looked like... In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth... In the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 21 He does it again. This time all the scientists of the earth and even Darwin himself will be witnesses to the creative process in action and on that day the theory of evolution will die an eternal death.  Old things have passed away,  Behold! All Things are made new! Now  I saw a new heaven and a new earth,  for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also, there was no more sea.  Then I, John, saw  the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared  as a bride adorned for her husband.    And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold,  the tabernacle of God  is  with men, and He will dwell with them , and they shall be His people. God, Himself will be ...


THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS - 5780  The Feast of Trumpets is a celebration of several things that are inter-connected it is probably the most comprehensive Feast. Adam and Eve were created on this day (the sixth day of creation) they received the breath of God in their nostrils and became living souls.  The Awakening Blast -The first resurrection   of the dead to Immortality (the promise that was promised in the Feast of First Fruits (at Christ's bodily resurrection)  has now been fulfilled in the first of the fall feasts in his 'body' being resurrected to newness of life.  Coronation day of the King - the day Jesus will be crowned as King over the whole earth (he qualifies because he was a sinless son of Adam (born of a woman, born under the law)) tempted in every way as we have been yet sinless. Wedding day of the King (of Kings) Jesus seizes his bride and takes her to the wedding banquet at his Father's house and the marriage is consummated during the ...


 In Teshuvah (in the last days) We Return to Him  we return to our first love we return to the simplicity of the good news we return to our Father's house and receive our inheritance  we return to sonship recognizing we are sons and not slaves (the spirit of adoption where we can call Him Abba) we return to our inheritance (Jesus) the tree of life,  In Trumpets, He Returns for us  -  The Feast of Trumpets is tied to the final Jubilee, in its fulfillment,  However, the Jubilee proclamation comes 10 days later on the Day of Atonement.  The law of Jubilee:       all owners  return  their land (inheritance)       all property returns to its original owner Jesus returns to Earth for:  His inheritance (all the nations) His bride (the Church) His brothers His creation (the sons of Adam) His Possession  “I will declare the decree: The  Lord  ha...

I spent Rosh Hashanah in Federal Court - and learned about the Courts of Heaven

I spent Rosh Hashanah in Federal Court,  and learned about the Courts of Heaven  God placed me in a hands-on learning experience in the Federal courts to learn about a spiritual reality in Heaven's court system.   On September 22, 2014, My first experience of being called to serve on a jury in Federal court.  What are the chances I would be selected for this groundbreaking, precedent-setting case? Only 12 chances out of 5.4 million! or 1 out of 450,000 and yet 3 of the 12 Jurors (25%) were named David. Out of those 5.4 million, people who live in Minnesota, only 150-200 individuals were randomly selected to serve the Federal court system District 4 during the month of September 2014.   Out of those 200, assembled 44 were selected to stand for a panel of possible candidates for each of three trials. If you were not selected you would come back for the next case. I was selected in the panel of 44 possibilities for this case. For the next ...