The Lost Kingdom

The Lost Kingdom The (Lamb of God) gave his life on the wooden cross his shed blood delivered us from the kingdom of darkness much like the blood spread on the wooden doorposts on the first Passover delivered God's children from the Death angel in Egypt. His bodily resurrection on the third day was the demonstration of the effectiveness of that victory. Even the Miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, (on the third day) was the evidence of their freedom from the power of Egypt. God buried their past with their identity as slaves in the baptism of the Red Sea, Some would set up camp here and remain to bask in the light of that deliverance. But the pillar of cloud did not stay on the farther shore of the Red Sea, It lifted up and went into the wilderness, and the children of Israel followed it into the wilderness and they spent 40 years there. The wilderness is where we encounter God. The disciples were led for forty days after His resurrecti...